Annoying people...

May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Don't you hate them?

I was just playing a game and it really outlined the general annoyingness of some people. The game was command and conquer generals: Zero Hour. Sadly it seemed to be my turn to get attacked by the computer all game (it wasn't just a typical computer vs player map, it had lots of scripts) my base was pretty ravaged but i was still managing to do some decent attacks. So then one of the toher players uses a load of super weapons on me. I asked why and he said "Dunno" "Because i was bored". Its just so frustrating, and then he decided to attack me again, in his own words "Just so you don't try anything". I mean, its not like were were even finnished. We were half way through the game and he just attacked me...I reckon its because i made him look stupid in front of the other palyers by coming back at one of his comments. Anyway, i quit because after the computer and him i didn't have much left.

So, he was a prime example of an annoying person. What are you thoughts on this? Any people who really get your back up? What about those who are trying to just annoy you for the sake of it and then act all calm and innocent to get you mad. I can mostly get over them, but tonight was different. I was already out of my normal mood because i missed an exam, but it was the fir time i had gotten to paly a decent game of Zero Hour and he ruined it for me. Probably the last time i will play for the next couple of months because I'm going to be so busy with things...
I haven't played Zero Hour online for literally a year; although I did play a single co-op game with a friend recently.

Lamers just piss everyone off; it's what they live for. They're always right, they're always witty, they're always better then you in every aspect in any give situation.

That said, I find it immensely satisfying to beat seven kinds of shit out a llama in a more personal game like ZH. Oddly enough, I can't feel good about beating nice guys sometimes :p

Bluntly, people who can't see the other person's point of view get my back up. Whiners and complainers who are entirely unjustified, repeated (deliberate) TKers and TWers... they're just annoying. Solution? The Ed Campaign for the 2007 Moron Cull.
you get them noobs in counter-strike, i'd have thought with supposidly a more intellectual online game such as C&C.
unlucky about the exam? was it Biology? i did that today... wasnt bad.
Usually people act like that because it has happened to them in the past, or they see it happen and they start to think that they should do it to other people as well. There really isn't much you can do about it though, you just have to learn to cope with it and try and take measures to prevent it from happening again in the future.

I have had that happen to me in many games before, the most you can do is accept that he was a jackass. However I also learned that it makes me feel better to realize that if he did it to you then it probably means it has happened to him in the past, think that he had it worse in the past and suddenly what he did to you won't seem so bad.
The exam was history, A level as well but its in the past, whats done is done. I just have to live with it.

I can generally ignore and cope with annoying people quite well but certain situations liek tonight just get me annoyed.
These inconsiderate people are from two stocks: the people who don't care, and the people who actively act inconsiderate. The first type always wonder why they have few friends, and the latter always wonder why they have NO friends.

If people everyone had an ounce of consideration, then the world would be a much better place. People who say "**** you, I can do whatever I want." should remember one important thing: ***holes get stabbed in LAN cafes in Singapore.

These people are usually either blissfully unaware, or incredibly cocky. And judging by how my friend got his real ass royally handed to him in real life, they are the type that runs red lights, cuts off people in traffic, and/or drives with their left blinker on 24/7. One of these days someones gonna give them their comeuppance.

If you don't know what 'comeuppance' is then look up "revenge killings".
Adrien C said:
There you have the reason why I do not play CS

ditto. i've only started playing sporadically again on the server.

i don't understand how people can just be so ignorant. i've never played Zero Hour online, but vanilla Generals had a really young and often immature/stupid community. you'd specify 'you can build super weapons only for upgrades', which were met with 'fine' and 'no problem', then obviously 15 minutes into the game you find yourself being nuked to kingdom come. i can't put my finger on what motivates these people. falconwind and mullinator pretty much nailed it i think.
Yeah and what about the CS communtiy, with all the clans, what a waste of time, you just get into a server, can't even read waht they say.
cs, so fun yet so annoying

I totally agree with you guys when it comes to cs, hell if the game wasn't so fricken fun I wouldn't play it at all. Every server I join theres some guy who just constantly spams that "everyone but them is a nub", "I died Cause I was sprayed or the servers lagging" or "my team sucks its not me its them". Of course its all done in cs abbreviation which is twice as annoying. I just try to ignore them and not speak in those servers and there are a few that don't put up with that crap, but they've been empty lately.
oh well :(
Dedalus said:
you'd specify 'you can build super weapons only for upgrades', which were met with 'fine' and 'no problem', then obviously 15 minutes into the game you find yourself being nuked to kingdom come. i can't put my finger on what motivates these people. falconwind and mullinator pretty much nailed it i think.
Probably the fact that there's nothing stopping them. Can't you turn superweapons off?
I joined a game of DOD the other day...

I joined the game because skulleh was playing.

Except for when I actually got on the game skulleh wasnt called skulleh. He was callled "Skulleh's Friend"

I said hi skullehs friend and he said "oh hi"

I then play for a min, and realise that every few seconds other players are saying: "KICK THE BASTARD FFS, KICK SKULLEH's FRIEND"

I started to wonder wtf... when he messaged me on steam saying
"ahahah you see what I am doing. I am tking them and blocking the doors all the time. lmao"

Needless to say I wasnt all that impressed and told him so. He didnt understand why. I asked why he was doing it... his reply?

"There americans, I hate americans. So I am shooting them all."

Obviously I dont agree with this one bit. And I am sure skulleh doesnt either. But frickin hell that pissed me off. I tried to talk sence into him for a while. But that didnt work... probably something to do with his abysmal IQ.

Soo.... I just team killed him every time he spawned until I got kicked. I do hope that pissed him off. :)
falconwind said:
These inconsiderate people are from two stocks: the people who don't care, and the people who actively act inconsiderate. The first type always wonder why they have few friends, and the latter always wonder why they have NO friends.

If people everyone had an ounce of consideration, then the world would be a much better place. People who say "**** you, I can do whatever I want." should remember one important thing: ***holes get stabbed in LAN cafes in Singapore.

These people are usually either blissfully unaware, or incredibly cocky. And judging by how my friend got his real ass royally handed to him in real life, they are the type that runs red lights, cuts off people in traffic, and/or drives with their left blinker on 24/7. One of these days someones gonna give them their comeuppance.

If you don't know what 'comeuppance' is then look up "revenge killings".

A - goddamn - men.
Ahh annoying people are annoying.

I was playing Starcraft 2 v 2. My ally had been attacked pretty badly and he asked if he could build in my base so i said "sure". He starts building a nydus canal and pouring hundreds of hydralisks through it. Then he says "ok lets get ready to attack", so i get all my units and we start rushing through their lines and i notice his units start attacking mine. The asshole had switched off the allies setting and allied with the bad guys. He had many hydralisks in my base and totally owned me.

Betrayal such as that is extremely frustrating. I uninstalled the game straight away and haven't play for a few months.
Hey same thing happend to me, i where terran and so was the other guy.
I said he could build in my base util he got stronger, then he ****ing nucked me with his ghosts.