Annoying problem.


Aug 16, 2003
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Okay this seems to happen in every model I do, Eventually after enough modelling I'll get a starburst effect on a flat polygon, as shown here (also notice to a lesser extent the polygon above it along the diagonal). How can I get rid of it? I've attached the .exp file so you can have a look, perhaps make a corrected version?

some times it seems to do that when pollys are over lapping. i would suggest that you delete that but polly and then create each face one by one
because you have the highlights on, if the vertex at the centre of those polygons isnt in line with the others ( sticks out further ), it might pick up the highlights on the edges ?

just a guess, but apart from fishy's idea, i cant think of anything else.
By the looks of it you need to remodel it. When that thing is trippled its going to have hundreds of tripoly's where it never needed to. Your getting that star effect because your trying to bend a polygon further than it can bend, a common problem when using more than 3 points per poly
As random.hero this error is because the polygon is non-planar (i.e. all the vertices aren't on a plane) so XSI will try to shade the model as usual by breaking it up into triangles (which is done in the graphics card).

When working on polygons for ingame models I prefer to use flat shading. Note - in XSI this is applied as an object property, not a viewport model. Property>Geometry Approximation. Polygon tab and set the discontinuity to zero. The will make is much easir to se whats going on. I also reccommed turning on boundry edges under the viewport "eye" icon.

Good luck.
doing the flat shading shows that it is flat (try it :) ). I've now royally screwed up the model somehow. Try downloading the model and try extruding the back surfaces (I've updated it with my newest 1).

As far as I can tell its in a plane, I set the X value of all the verts to the same thing.

The Triangle count is 978 with 446 facets. I always run into this kinda problem when modelling tho, its probably the way I do it :/.

I wonder if / when 3DBuzz will do some more XSI VTMs, they were really good, some HL2 XSI 1's would be very nice :) I'd like to just watch some1 who can do it make a model, just to see what they do. (Me Prods IchI with a large stick)
Try this might work, i think. You have two vertex's sharing the same space. Im not sure about XSI but in Max you'd go to vertex in editable poly drag a select box over a vertex and check if it has 1 or 2 vertexs in the same place. If theres 1 good if theres 2 then hit weld.