Annoying Stupid People Rant

She is above you, if she told you that you guys are having sex that means she can hear it. I get you want to do what you want but you too should have respect for roommates. F**king extremely loud is disrespectful as well.
I have a neighbour like this too. Whenever I play piano or sing he bangs on the wall, puts on really really loud music, swears and sometimes even bangs on the front door. It's terrifying if I'm in the house alone. One time guests were leaving our house and he came out and started shouting at them for making too much noise. He's a bit weird.

Lol what do you mean terrifying? Haha I'm sorry but it was a funny word to use.

Don't ever have fear of another person. My fears in life are losing family or other torturous worries. Another individual will never be one of those things. Confront him and put him in his place. If he comes in your house then exercise the castle doctrine with extreme haste- there is absolutely no reason to let terror grip you, especialy from a douche.
She is above you, if she told you that you guys are having sex that means she can hear it. I get you want to do what you want but you too should have respect for roommates. F**king extremely loud is disrespectful as well.

FFS at least read the OP.

It was not really loud, believe me. We have been here for a year with no problems. She moved in yesterday. She is not our roommate, she lives in the same building. Not only did she stomp when we she didn't like our noise. She set an alarm clock for the middle of the night and then lifted and dropped heavy furniture on the ceiling, and then twice again in the early morning. She never made any attempt to come speak with us. I had to go knock on her door the next day.
Similar story that's unfolding as I type:

There's a lot of drilling going on in our house. I mean a lot of drilling. Every other month or so, for about a week, someone on the eight floor will start drilling. For hours. Usually starting at about ten at night. He keeps going for several days, stop, waits a few weeks, and then it returneth. I live on the fifth floor, and for the longest time I was sure it was right above us, but then me and one of my flatmates rushed out into the stairwell one night when he was going, and... again, I thought he might be on the sixth floor in the apartment right above us. You have no idea how much noise it makes on the eight floor. The walls ****ing reverberate. It echoes down the street, you can hear it pretty clear three houses down.

Anyhoo, three girls recently moved in on the fifth floor right next to us. THey're quite nice, and the day before yesterday, they did a bit of drilling, as you are wont to do when you've recently moved in. After a few hours, the notes started appearing in the elevator, saying it's too loud etc. They put up their own note saying sorry, and please ring our doorbell if you want something.

Today, we got a note. Saying we've been doing too much drilling and noise-making over the last few weeks, and if it didn't stop, they'd call the cops. It was not signed. We've had several people comin' round in the past, asking if it was us drilling, but they went to every door in the building, and a few weeks ago someone came to ask us if it was us who were partying all the time (it was not). Other than that, never had any complaints, so no idea who this is, or why he assumed it was us.
That post had more euphemisms than I've seen in a long while.
my little niece and nephew came over this morning and i got no sleep to begin with but i almost fell asleep and they were crashing around the house, jumping on shit. i was really pissed and yelled at them, so they stopped but next time the gloves come off!!
It's good you found so many girls who enjoy drilling, though.
I would've thought you would've been used to asshole people after some jackass nicked off with your bike in San Fran :(