Annoying Things

road penis almost always justifies violating traffic laws long as it's my road penis

"get off the freakin sidewalk!!!"
The majority of other road users are retarded anyway

Yes they are, which is one of the reasons I overtake everyone at every opportunity. The further I am away from retards the longer I'm going to live.

, yes most learners are unconfident, but do you think shoving your road penis in their face helps? No.

"Road penis"?
Bikes are not made for sitting in traffic. Even a budget street bike can safely perform maneuvres that a top-of-the-range sportscar could only dream of. They're also practically purpose-built for overtaking.

The truth is, learner drivers are more likely to be safer, they've been taught the correct methods, drive at the correct speeds and take care and consideration.

No they're not, that's why inexperienced drivers pay extortionate insurance - because they're far more likely to be involved in an accident.
Plus, 10mph below the speed limit is not the "correct speed". Nor does blindly obeying the speed limit make you a safe driver - in fact it makes you an unthinking automaton, and unthinking automatons are the biggest danger on the roads.
Truly skilled drivers are fast, smooth and observant. Not bored and obedient.
If you believe that a learner driver with a few hours behind the wheel, hasn't even passed their test yet is even anywhere near as capable of judging what the correct speed is for the conditions as any skilled road user, you are sadly mistaken. And I wouldn't get in a car with you.

But if you want to go wrap your bike around a tree, be my guest.

So because I ride quickly I'm going to wrap my bike around a tree? Funny that, I ride far in excess of the speed limit on every single journey and I've never been involved in a collision. The only near misses I've had have been caused by unthinking automatons not paying attention to what's going on around them.
Television commercials. Especially the cleaning supplies ones... I hate those the most! You know those commercials that take place in a courtroom? And the judge asks the people to point to the guilty one? And they all point to the friggin mop? DON"T USE A MOP! USE A SWIFFER! HOLY S***! :eek: Cleaning supplies commercials PISS ME THE F*** OFF!

old people with hats on, driving their cars with 50 km/h when 100 km/h are allowed and perfectly fine.

"Hut-Fahrer" for the german ones of you :cheese:
Getting up early in the morning. (Which will be five days a week from now and until retirement :()
I always get up at 8:30am.
V-Man and all he hates.

Oh ya. Black people who use the colour of their skin to prove a point. I remember a guy in my form 2 years ago called Dominic and whenever he did something wrong, like punching someone in the stomach for no apparent reason, and got sent out, he would always say, "It's 'cause I'm black innit?". Oh ha ha, you stupid prick.

I hate how everybody thinks whites are racist but they never pay attention to the Spanish people who use the word "gringos" all the time, or the majority of the black people who like to rap and make their own "culture" and "pimped up rides".
But don't get me started on rap, they put a bunch of crappy noises that anyone can make, string them together with some moron who sings lyrics that don't even rhyme half the time, and then call it a f***ing music genre?!?! I beg to differ.
Another thing that really urks me is when you try to debate with someone and the other guy insults you or your opinion instead of giving you a half decent argument. I know this has been said before but seriously we all need to be like the Steam forums. I would be in them but they never send me that goddamn e-mail for my account activation. :hmph:
I also hate tech support, specifically from Microsoft, and don't get me started on people who don't know what an answering machine is and just go "Hello? Hello?!".
I hate Mexicans and putting socks on when you're feet are wet.

Ach, I hate that too.

Something that REALLY annoys me is all these eco-activist-human rights students going on about how we're the new generation and "we should help change the world to make it free from everything fun"

And when they see something they don't like they complain about it and get it banned despite everybody else enjoying it. Like swearing on TV. Or violence in kid's cartoons. Where oh where did the 1950's go?

And yes I do sound very old despite the fact I'm 15...
I hate how whenever I yawn, I get the stiffest of boners.

Doesn't matter if i'm sitting in an isolated box, or in the girls locker room. Yawn = wood.

People who bitch that dirtbiking trails destroy the environment. If they'd ever get on a bike and go out with somebody, they'd realize that the trails are just as about 2/3 feet wide, and destroy about as much environment as a hiking trail.

And yes I do sound very old despite the fact I'm 15...

People who use their young age to prove a point, or who flaunt how young they are because they think it'll make people think "OH WOW THAT GUY IS ONLY 15? HE'S SO MATURE NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED IT LOL".
I hate how whenever I yawn, I get the stiffest of boners.

Doesn't matter if i'm sitting in an isolated box, or in the girls locker room. Yawn = wood.

That's deeply disturbing... :|

People who use their young age to prove a point, or who flaunt how young they are because they think it'll make people think "OH WOW THAT GUY IS ONLY 15? HE'S SO MATURE NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED IT LOL".

Especially when it's painfully obvious that they are 15 anyway. :)

I think my biggest bugbear at the moment is lane hogging morons. It wouldn't be so bad if it was the odd idiot, but noone knows how to ****ing drive on a motorway or dual carriageway in this country anymore. I've given up trying to get people back into the correct lane so I can get by and I just weave between lanes instead. **** the lot of 'em. Useless twats.
A good three quarters of the traffic congestion would probably be solved overnight if people stopped being inconsiderate lane-hogging ****s.
But don't get me started on rap, they put a bunch of crappy noises that anyone can make, string them together with some moron who sings lyrics that don't even rhyme half the time, and then call it a f***ing music genre?!?! I beg to differ.
You, V-Man, are my hero.

The morning news.
I hate how whenever I yawn, I get the stiffest of boners.

Doesn't matter if i'm sitting in an isolated box, or in the girls locker room. Yawn = wood.

The same brain nucleus controls both yawning and erections. They tested it by injecting neuro-tranmitters into rats' brains, and they got boners and yawned all the time. :borg: Also, humans who use drug therapy to cure impotence start yawning when they take the drug.

I get annoyed when you ask a teacher a question or point out an inconsistency in what they've said, and they just repeat what they've already told you, except slower and with a slight frown on their face.
I don't tend to get annoyed that often. Normally I just get angry. How would you distinguish the two anyway?
I hate my lack of self-confidence.
I hate Mexicans and putting socks on when you're feet are wet.