Another Binks Pointer

Hectic Glenn

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Aug 8, 2004
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I dunno if this has already been discussed...but in after watching the Tenements bink video, the guy sitting at the table in the first room Gordon enters, looks remarkably similar to the guy sitting in the train station who talks about the water...I havent taken screenies, but if someone else looks and posts these, i wonder if its the same guy. I hope not, i want every civilian in HL2 to be different! Please tell me if im wrong...i might need glasses?
I thought that he looked very similar also, but I never bothered to check it out.
YOu'll be disappointed then because I think he is, also... quickly when you walk by you see the same black guy in the tennements video by the window as in the train video on a bench (but its only for a second or two)
this MIGHT mean the end of the world... not sure yet. hmm...
i'll go check it out.

*batman music as i run off*
I don't mind if there are some duplicate faces on models in HL2, just as long as there are enough to make a believable diversity. In HL there were only 3 faces for scientists and 1 for security guards! :laugh:
Hehe, sure looks like it to me. I also caught the black guy repeat that time MrWhite. Ahh well, it won't bother me much. Too many combine scum to kill! :)
i wonder if valve included any easter eggs in to the full game, or funny jokes, maybe an underlying sub plot so genious only five people in the world will get it.

or maybe posters of naked woman, like in metal gear solids locker rooms.
I thought the water conspiracy guy looked more (and the voice sounds exactly the same) as the tenement apartment guy NEXT to the black guy. He says something along the lines 'they have no reason to be here'.
PinnerDink.. I thought that was who Hectic Glenn was referring to? That was the guy I was talking about, anyways. Mr.water phobia. :)
Cooper said:
Perhaps they are ment to be the same people?

That's what I was thinking, Cooper. Recurring civilian characters perhaps? Just cause they were in the train station doesn't mean they're different people.
I dont think its the same guy though, maybe just coincidence that thely look similar.

That guy on the TV in the tenement bink is Breen from the station... Its all propaganda... Its broadcasted throughout the city to make people think they're safe... Of course Im more than likely gonna get burned for this but its just my opinion, at least till it comes out and we find out for sure.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to apolgize.

(This is off-topic, sorry)

In this crazy politically correct world, the phrase "that black guy on the bench" (as I previously stated in the 3rd post of this topic) is not accepted amoung african americans.

Let me rephrase myself.

If you watch the bink video you can see that "African American" male on the bench in the city 17 trainstation, aswell as the same african american male staring out the window in the tennements video.

My apolgies, I just felt dirty leaving it how it was.

Actually I'm just bored. Hope I didn't offend anyone!
but if someone said 'that white guy on the bench', no one would have batted an eyelid....
Call me a rebel, but "political correctness" can stuff itself. :)
You can't say it, only because you're MrWhite =P
Raziaar said:
You can't say it, only because you're MrWhite =P

I can't choose my last name. I should change my name to Zac Black so I can say it.
Back on the topic, the plot THICKENS! I watched it again, and the guy im talking about is sitting down hes the one that looks the same, if its meant to be the same guy then fine.

BUT LISTEN TO THIS! Watch the video, someone pokes their head out the door as the combines boot the door down in the hall, looks at that person, small frame, hair in a bun. ITS that damn woman! She's in the other version of this video, but when we get to the scene at the window, its the bloke! Whats going on Valve? Did she rush to the toilet and tell that guy to take over? Watch closely guys! lol i see such pointless things!
The guy sitting talking about the water in the train station is the same model as the guy standing next to the black guy in tenements (the two by the window.). Are the the same character is a different story.
'Are the the same character is a different story.'

Same person in a different part of the game is how I interpreted it.
alan8325 said:
I don't mind if there are some duplicate faces on models in HL2, just as long as there are enough to make a believable diversity. In HL there were only 3 faces for scientists and 1 for security guards! :laugh:

:laugh: Hahahahaha yeah and it was still an awesome game, howabout that?
Yeah i agree, but what about the woman disappearing from the door? Whats that about?
isnt city 17 in europe somewhere? wouldnt that make the black man an "african european" ? mabey all this political corectness is bs and it was just a black guy on the bench(and mabey the same black guy in the apt)..
That was kind of my point don_woo. Unless he just immigrated to Europe from Africa, he's just a European. Same for African American. Hell, lets just call it "melanin enhanced omnivorous bipedal life form" and be done with it. Not trying to offend anyone, but this is kinda silly in my opinion.

To any blacks/African Americans/melanin enhanced omnivorous bipedal life forms; If you're offended, feel free to call me a honky or cracker, and we'll call it even. :)
MrWhite said:
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to apolgize.

(This is off-topic, sorry)

In this crazy politically correct world, the phrase "that black guy on the bench" (as I previously stated in the 3rd post of this topic) is not accepted amoung african americans.

Let me rephrase myself.

If you watch the bink video you can see that "African American" male on the bench in the city 17 trainstation, aswell as the same african american male staring out the window in the tennements video.

My apolgies, I just felt dirty leaving it how it was.

Actually I'm just bored. Hope I didn't offend anyone!

What if they are from western regions of Arabia? Or Haiti? Black is less offensive than "African American."

Also- they are not in America in the video ;]. They are in Europe.

//edit: changed to west :P. And added a comment dealy
RakuraiTenjin said:
What if they are from eastern regions of Arabia? Or Haiti?

melanin enhanced omnivorous bipedal life form works there also! :E

[edit] you know.. that actually works for any non-albino caucasian also. :D
I dont see the offence in being called black. People do tend to use "dark" and "african american" more often to be politically correct, but i only see the offence if someone said "That ****** on the bench" THATS politically incorrect imo.

EDIT: So politically incorrect it got starred out actually lol. You know what i mean anyway. I hope.

And on topic:
Does any game with a decent population have every person look different? Lol. Itd be great if HL2 did, but if not, how many different "Generic Civilians" do you think there will be?
Beast206 said:
melanin enhanced omnivorous bipedal life form works there also! :E

[edit] you know.. that actually works for any non-albino caucasian also. :D

What about one legged vegans? :P
Well, I would refer to them as "monopodal herbivores". Although "skinny person" would probably suffice. :)