Another Doug Interview (New Vehicle?)

Aug 29, 2003
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I was watching the Electric Playground this morning and they were able to get a televised interview with Doug Lombardi about Half-Life 2.

Most of the information that was given was stuff that we've heard before, except for the possibility of one thing: a Jeep! :eek:

That's right, Doug mentions that there will be a drivable jeep in the game.

I may have been hearing things, and I don't think that he was talking about the buggy, but he says there will be many vehicles in the game. :)

For those who are able to watch it, here is a listing of the episode that aired today (scroll to the bottom for showtimes):

There are some repeats on tomorrow in Canada on the Space Newtwork as well as the G4TechTV station in the US. There are some other listings as well.

The interview boasts some high-quality footage from E3 2004 as well. :D

I'll be watching the episode again tomorrow to confirm information about the new vehicle, as well as pick up some other information that I may have missed.

The Electric Playground is a Canadian program that ranks as one of the best video game informational TV shows on the planet. (IMO)
A True Canadian said:
The Electric Playground is a Canadian program that ranks as one of the best video game informational TV shows on the planet. (IMO)

I'd say that was a presumptuous statement, but considering how shit they are here, you're probably right!

Thanks for the information :)
Chris_D said:
I'd say that was a presumptuous statement, but considering how shit they are here, you're probably right!

Thanks for the information :)

Heh, I guess I am a little biased. Shouldn't stop you from watching the show.
I too live in Canada. I love this show as well.
Too bad though, I missed this episode.
They also have a look at DOOM 3, Silent Hill 4: The Room, and Resident Evil 4 in this episode.

I wonder where this "jeep" will be located, as all the vehicles in City 17 (minus those combine-controlled) are all destroyed. In the graveyard maybe?
:naughty: Wasn't there Combine armored vehicles? Maybe you'll be able drive those and possibly those could be referred to as 'jeeps'.
:dozey: If there was an interview RECENTLY about a new vehicle aka jeep. Why would it be the buggy? That's been confirmed to be a drivable vehicle ages ago, so why would it be a 'new' vehicle in a recent interview?
I really wanted there will be civilian cars and not just hovorcrafts and buggys. Cool news.
I wanted a pimp car, so i could be the pimp daddy of HL2 and make Mossman and Vance work for their money ;)

Pimp Kain attack!
And it had better have a funny sounding horn, too! And like twelve clowns come out of it. No, check that! STRIDERS! Twelve striders dressed as clowns come piling out of the funny-Jeep-buggy. Tooooootally the best idea ever. Yup.
A jeep i mean LoL what do you think it woould look like. cool anyway.


"Ship The good damn thing"
Mouselook to balance, strafe keys to turn, forward/back for (duh) forward/back...

I like it :D
there were cars all over the place in the e3-2k3 vids - seems like the resistance should be able to get at least a few of them up and running for you to drive in the game...

...trying to remember that priceless line from postal 2 now about how there were no cars in their city, just car shaped props put there by the government to make the world look more believable...i'd look it up but i don't have the game anymore :(
Chris_D said:
I'd say that was a presumptuous statement, but considering how shit they are here, you're probably right!

Thanks for the information :)

He's obviously never watched consolevania
Well, it depends on whether he said "We've got a vehicle that no one has seen before: The Jeep"

Or if he just referred to a jeep.

I'm sure I've read magazines in which the buggy has been referred to as a "jeep".

I'm not expecting many drivable vehicles in Half-Life 2. We've seen two and for all we know that's all we'll get to drive.

Wouldn't a jeep just be the same as a buggy anyway? Just a big bigger. Unless the jeep would include more than one seat I don't see the point of having two vehicles so similar.
Has there been any rumours/news about flyable vehicles in the game? Not likely I suppose. The ones we have seen look like they were put together in Junk Yard Wars. If you could fly around, might ruin the flow of the game. But I suppose modders will be on that soon enough
Yeah, it would be really fun if you could embark on civilian vehicles spread across the cities, sort of like in Stalker.
When the program is broadcasted, someone should confirm that jeep thingie
Bah, I overslept and missed the 10:00 showing.
I'll tune in for the one at 5:30 and let you guys know.

SirOsisOfLiver said:
Has there been any rumours/news about flyable vehicles in the game?

I highly doubt that there will be flying vehicles that you can control. Otherwise everyone would make a break for the Combine Tower or try to fly off the island.

OT: Has any one found out how tall that tower is? I hope that the CN Tower still holds the record :p
I thought that Gabe said that there would NOT be any flyable vehicles in HL2, only that it's possible to do with the HL2 engine if you really wanted to....
Anthraxxx said:
I thought that Gabe said that there would NOT be any flyable vehicles in HL2, only that it's possible to do with the HL2 engine if you really wanted to....

He also said that the game would be released Sept. 2003, so who knows? :p
Sorry to disappoint you all, but I think the buggy is a Dragster, a Jeep Dragster :(
Of course jeep means buggy. Yeesh.

Enough with the interviews already, release the game.
Yeah, that sucks. I guess the only way we'll know no is if someone e-mails Valve about this. I don't really care at this point and I wouldn't want to be a bother over something as small as a new vehicle.

Sorry guys.
I'm hoping that the Combine APC is drivable. 'Cause that vehicle looks awesome. I love in the e32k4 vids how it pulls up outside the house, how it gradually slows to a screeching halt. like it gets jerked a bit when it stops suddenly.
I think you someone at Valve said you could drive it (non-beta source)
^Ben said:
I wanted a pimp car, so i could be the pimp daddy of HL2 and make Mossman and Vance work for their money ;)
There's a good mod in there somewhere...
Drive around poppin' other playaz, pickin up yo ho's, beatin' other playaz ho's
Ah it'd be great! For five minutes...