Another Episode 3 fan-made picture


Nov 21, 2007
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This afternoon I was reading the thread below about the guys who played with the artwork picture. I imediately wanted to do an Episode 3 wallpaper as well. They don't want a contest, so I didn't mess their thread.

I tried something new instead of editing the same picture, I don't know if is any good, it's up to you to decide. It took me like an hour and a half, but I'm quite satisfied with the result.

So, here's my picture of Episode 3, for the HL fans. For the full res image, click here.


P.S. And yes, if you look at a cargo ship from the front, it surely looks like a bucket :)
Psht, that's pretty paw.

Although I liked the top of the ship. But Gordon's a bit shit.
This is the only image of Gordon with the full body, where you can see his feet. It is possible to draw another Gordon, but it takes too much time for me and my drawing skills are not as good as the ones of the art designer from Valve.
Doesn't matter. Still shit.

Also damn 30s thingy ****.
Doesn't matter. Still shit.

Also damn 30s thingy ****.

Wow, thats rude... lets see you do better, until then, provide constructive criticism and abandon the 3-year-old shit-talk mode, or don't say anything...
I see where you're going with the concept. It has a lot of potential to be really cool looking.
Shit, I don't even remember posting in this thread...
Pretty good, though gordon looks like he's about to be hit by a boat and doesn't give a shit.
Seriously, wtf is wrong with you the E? You make fun of anyone who dares make a thread in the Half-Life forum! Lighten up!
^^ Yeah The_E, if you continue like that, I'm going to have to become your worst nightmare.

ps: worst, not badest.
Yeah, the ship is awesome, Gordon is completely out of place, but the ship is awesome.
Pretty good, though gordon looks like he's about to be hit by a boat and doesn't give a shit.

Well, I guess we all know that ship is not sailing anymore. So imagining the ship moving is quite out of the question.
I liked it. Just the perspective looks a bit wierd on the ship, so it does look kind of like a bucket, but apart from that it's pretty impresive.