Another lucid dreaming thread


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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So, I've finally decided to try this out (For those that don't know, lucid dreaming is basicly being concious while dreaming, allowing you to do whatever you want in it, even fly).

I've started a dream journal and doing the "reality checking" thingy and I've read a bit about the induction methods (Though they all seem to involve / suggest going to sleep and waking yourself up later and going back to sleep, which I'm wary of trying because I can never seem get back to sleep for ages once I've woken up D=).

Even so, I didn't really achieve success with the WILD thing (Basicly staying concious as your body falls asleep), but I think I got close. I experienced everything that the guide said I would (Paralasis, flashing lights, feeling of vibration. It was ****ing wierd, I can tell you for free), but every time I started to drift off I suddenly found myself fully awake again.

Any tips from people who have done this before?
I always check by trying to remember how I got here. I've had a few lucid dreams that I remember. Most were in the past few weeks. I always try to fly upwards, but the fear of waking up always gets me. Other times I try to fire a kamehameha blast, but I can never successfully do it lulz.
Yes man, you're about to go on an incredible journey.

I was able to get myself to a point where every night I had lucid dreams. It became so easy for me to recognize my dreams that as soon as I was in one, I was immediately able to realize I was in a dream and immediately take steps to control it.

You're on the right track to getting there: writing a journal and doing reality checks are the best ways of creating a sustainable lucid dreaming experience. What you have to do is look for "dream signs", that is, recurring events or feelings in your dreams. Once you know these, recognizing a dream can become quite simple. For me, dreams always involved not being able to walk (aka, floating), not being able to talk (whispering), and certain recurring people or events.

In your dream journals, note what was similar to or different from your past dreams, that way you can look for patterns.

Now, once you get into a lucid dream the best thing to do is to relax. Becoming overexcited once you realize you're in a dream will cause you to wake up or fade into deep sleep. Just calm down, and look at the world around you. Normally, people think of dreams as being fuzzy and unrealistic, because this is how we remember them. But after having lucid dreamed, I can tell you this is not the case. Reality is often "hyper-real" in dreams. You see colors you have never imagined before, and can see incredible detail. It is easy, however, to slip out of focus and enter a vague unconscious state.

When you find yourself in a dream, the best thing to do is simply look around you very slowly and carefully. Don't get too carried away, simply do little things at once until you know you can handle them. A good trick I found to keep myself focused and my dreams vivid was to stare at my palms in the dream world. Doing this will cause your brain to focus on details in your palm, filling in every crack and crevice with previous memories. This will make your dream much more vivid and detailed. Also, looking at small, detailed objects in your dream world should make the whole thing much more breathtaking. Try, for instance, to look at grass or a stone wall, and note every detail. When you look up, the entire world should be clearer and more lucid.

Now, controlling your dream is the next step. After you've mastered actually staying in a dream and knowing it is a dream you can start to control it. Don't be discouraged, because this can be incredibly difficult at first. Dreams often do not respond to your commands, and becoming frustrated can leave you falling into a fuzzy state of unconsciousness. The best way to control dreams is to start off by doing things small and "making excuses".

For instance, in my dreams I was often not able to move or pick up anything, even though I wanted to. I countered this by making myself believe that I could create force fields with my mind, which I was then able to move around and interact with objects. In time, I didn't need these any more and was able to move objects and people as I chose.

Flying is also something people often would like to try while lucid dreaming. Unfortunately, this can be almost impossible to do. But, I made an excuse to allow me to fly. I imagined I was pulling on ropes and swinging on them like spiderman. By pulling in the air I was able to fly around, and over time I was gradually able to fly on command. Another method that usually works is jumping several times.

So my motto is: if you ever run into something you can't control in your dream, just make an excuse. If you want to transform into something, take a pill that will make you transform, if you want to teleport somewhere, blink your eyes and imagine a change in scenery, if you want an object to appear in your hands, ask a dream character for it. Don't try to do things that seem magical or impossible without first trying something slightly more reasonable.
i had the same problem when having lucid dreams when i was younger.

i kept getting so excited when i had succeeded in realizing that i was dreaming that i would immediately wake up.

my friend suggested that as soon as i felt myself becoming too conscious, that i start spinning in my dream (like spinning my dream body). the effect would put me deeper into my sleep and, in some cases, i would fall out of lucidness and the dream would continue until i realized again that i was dreaming.

its difficult to sustain the dream.

another suggestion i have is do your best to take notice of the dream around you as soon as you realize its a dream. this will help you sustain the dream rather than start coming up with excited feelings and memories of the real world, which will wake you up quickly.
I used to be able to do it VERY often, 2 or 3 times a week, and then it started dwindling.

And then when I started trying to do it again, I found that I had absolutely no self restraint. Every time i'd get into the state, i'd think "omg omg omg sex time", and that'd be all i'd do. I've managed a few times since to actually do something productive whilst lucid, but it always, SOMEHOW, ends in sex...

So i've given up on it, and vowed not to waste my time till I find a little more self restraint.
Personally I love just seeing what my mind throws at me without trying to control it, but I might give lucid dreaming a try later.
I always check by trying to remember how I got here.
I'm doing something kinda like that. I'm checking my watch periodically, looking at the time and trying to remember the times it was when I checked earlier and what I was doing, to see if it makes sense that it got me to here. If that makes sense. I dunno, maybe I'm doing it wrong 'cause I've got no lucid dreams yet :P
only had one lucid dream, it ended when i realized it.

I was in a bathroom and for some reason all my teeths fell off, i spit them out and then new teeths grew in my mouth but then they also fell off. This happend about 10 times till i realize i was in a dream, i turned around and a few of my friends were behind me. I started laughing and saying "this is a dream isnt it? hahah this is a ****ing dream isnt it??" and i tried to control it but then i just woke up...
Whenever I realize that I'm dreaming, the dream ends. Mostly. As I've done before, I'll give you this quote: "When you dream, there are no rules. People can fly; anything can happen. Sometimes, there's a moment as you're waking, and you become aware of the real world around you... but you're still dreaming."

Astral Projection - People can fly
I rarely have lucid dreams, but recently I had one, where I was wondering whether I'm dreaming or not, but it didn't cross my mind to take advantage of it somehow (and that's what you try to have lucid dreams for, right).

In the dream I woke up in my bed, I looked at the time (I think on my watch which I haven't been wearing for a few years anyway) and it was 14:00 (don't remember the minutes). However it was all dark outside, as if it was the middle of the night. I switched on a lamp near my bed, but it didn't give light, instead I think it even made the place around it darker. That's when I thought that I'm maybe dreaming, so I did a reality check by looking at some quartz display (dunno what it was) but everything seemed fine, instead of the usual situation where the display makes no sense. I thought about trying to read something but kinda gave up on that idea and I don't remember anything else.
My first lucid dream was when I dreamed about my grandma. "Wait, aren't you dead?" "Haha, yes" "Cool that means I'm dreaming. Can I punch your mirror?" "Sure go ahead" *punches mirror, laughs*. Then I ran outside and woke up.
Whenever I realize I'm in a dream, I always wake up. I'll be like, "Oh, sweet, I'm in a dre-"

Me irl: ****.
@ theotherguy: Wow, lucid every night... that's amazing. I got really excited about lucid dreams once, and realised I was dreaming about twice I think, but always woke up very quickly. Then I sort of gave up. I think I'll try again now, though.

Normally, people think of dreams as being fuzzy and unrealistic, because this is how we remember them. But after having lucid dreamed, I can tell you this is not the case. Reality is often "hyper-real" in dreams. You see colors you have never imagined before, and can see incredible detail.

"Wait a minute, is that... phong shading? Wow, that smoke's casting shadowws! Woah, this dream must be DirectX 10 or something! Let's try... hey cool, I can pick stuff up! And I can throw it! Wow, check out the physics in this dream! Wait, what happens if I turn on my flashlight... wow, Valve be praised, dynamic self-shadowing!"

Sorry... couldn't resist :D
only had one lucid dream, it ended when i realized it.

I was in a bathroom and for some reason all my teeths fell off, i spit them out and then new teeths grew in my mouth but then they also fell off. This happend about 10 times till i realize i was in a dream, i turned around and a few of my friends were behind me. I started laughing and saying "this is a dream isnt it? hahah this is a ****ing dream isnt it??" and i tried to control it but then i just woke up...

That is an extremely common dream sign. Losing your teeth and having them regrow is common to many people. I have had that happen several times. Another common one is taking off your glasses or some article of clothing and having it reappear. The annoying thing about these dream signs is that you often can't stop them even while lucid. It kind of sucks to try to go do things when you're constantly (and often painfully) spitting out teeth.

In fact, when I had my first (and only) WILD (wake induced lucid dream), I dreamed that I had failed attempting WILD, and had turned the lights on. I noticed that I was wearing glasses, which was odd, because I never wear them while asleep. I decided that this was why I couldn't WILD, so I removed the glasses and set them on the ground. I felt my face and noticed the glasses were still there. I took them off and kept repeating the processes until I was ankle-deep in glasses. Then it hit me, "woah, I'm dreaming!".

The reason it took me so long to notice is because WILDs are so much more vivid than regular lucid dreams. I spent about fifteen minutes marvelling at how realistic my room looked, how realistic everything felt, and then I woke up. I've never been able to WILD again though, but I have to say, for the effort, there is a pretty good payoff.
How do you know you're actually experiencing lucid dreams rather than just dreaming that you're in control?

The definition of a lucid dream is having a conscious awareness that you are in a dream, not controlling it. The best way to tell is to be able to discern between sleeping and waking up using reason. "I know that I am asleep because it is impossible for me to be floating in midair right now". Saying things like that in the dream make you 100 percent aware of it. If at any moment you forget you're dreaming, then you're just a regular dreamer with superpowers.

EDIT: and there is a HUGE difference btw. When you go lucid the dream becomes much clearer and you'll be able to remember it much better after you wake up.
if a lucid dream is one that you are aware of but not controlling, then what is it called when you are controlling the dream?
if a lucid dream is one that you are aware of but not controlling, then what is it called when you are controlling the dream?

Being in control of a dream?

Lucid dreaming is only distinct if you know you are dreaming. That is true weather or not you are controlling it. Here are you possible states:

1. Lucid, not in control
-You realize you are dreaming, and you are able to stay lucid,
but you can't control anything.
2. Lucid, in control
-You are aware that you are dreaming, and you use this knowledge to consciousley give yourself super powers. You can control parts of your dream. There are various levels of control from being able make objects appear to creating the entire world around you.

3. Not lucid, not in control
-You don't know that you're dreaming, and you can't change anything in your dream. You simply assume you are awake and that everything happening is independent of your thoughts and actions. The most annoying and uncomfortable level of this would be an observer of the dream, not even in it.

4. Not lucid, in control
-You don't know that you're dreaming, but you have special powers and can change parts of the dream. You think you are awake and don't think there's anything strange about having super powers.
Whenever I realize I'm in a dream, I always wake up. I'll be like, "Oh, sweet, I'm in a dre-"

Me irl: ****.

Next time, when you think you're in real life, and you're all "god dammit, I woke up", perform a reality check of some sort.

Half the time you're still really sleeping, but you just think you've woken up. The big problem is performing the reality check without opening your eyes in real life. Half the time you'll open your eyes only in your dream, and see that it's 10000 o clock or something and be all "OH SWEET LUCIDITY!", and the other half of the time, you'll accidentally open your real life eyes instead of your dream eyes, and end up waking up.
And I've read this multiple times now: If you think you're slipping out of a lucid dream spin around or rub your hands together (spinning works better). For some reason this can stop you waking up.
If you've seen Waking Life, you'll know what I'm talking about. For me, the only way I ever usually manage to have a lucid dream (which isn't very often, because I haven't been trying in a long time) is if I remind myself a lot while awake to flip a light switch. If I get it in my mind enough, I'll end up doing it in a dream as a matter of course, and it's such a delicious realization when the light in the room DOESN'T change. Usually I wake up after a few minutes of lucid dreaming though... posting this actually reminded me of having one a few nights ago that I had forgotten until now. Sometimes I just realize that I'm in a dream.

Unfortunately, every single time I lucid dream, as soon as I realize I'm dreaming I start flying, which is cool except that it makes me wake up... but it's always such a good idea at the time.

"Cool, I can fly!"
How do you have a wake induced lucid dream?

I remember waking up in a dream once after I relised school gyms don't usually have those slides you have to get in a sack to go down in.
How do you have a wake induced lucid dream?

I remember waking up in a dream once after I relised school gyms don't usually have those slides you have to get in a sack to go down in.

1. Sleep for about 4 hours.

2. Wake up using an alarm clock. Don't turn on any lights, just preform a reality check to make sure you're awake. Think about dreaming and lucid dreaming in general.

3.Lie in your bed awake, face up, with your eyes closed. Don't go to sleep, just relax and focus on the blackness. If your mind starts to wander, just shrug off the thought and continue to focus.

4. You should begin to feel sleep paralysis. Don't try to move, but you should just feel very heavy and motionless. You should also begin to see hypnogogic imagery. Hypnogogic imagery consists of brightly colored hallucinations that occur as your brain slips into a sleep state. If you manage to remain conscious, you should now have a sleeping body but a concious mind.

5. Focus on the hypnogogic imagery. Don't try to make sense of it, just sort of stare at it.

6. The hypnogogic imagery should become clearer and clearer until it becomes a visual scene. You should be able to make out objects , people, variations of light, etc. You are now in an R.E.M state. Usually the scene you will see is that of wherever you went to sleep.

7. Roll out of, or sit up in bed. Get out of bed and don't turn the lights on. Preform a reality check. If the check fails, you are in a lucid dream, if it passes you have woken up, in which case you will have to repeat the process.

WILDs are very difficult. I've only been able to do one, and many people have difficulty doing them. They can also be very taxing on your sleep, so make sure you don't have anything important to do in the morning. WILDs are much more vivid and last longer than regular lucid dreams, as you will have the entire dream state to be conscious. They can last up to 90 minutes, but usually last around 10-15 minutes.
1. Sleep for about 4 hours.

2. Wake up using an alarm clock. Don't turn on any lights, just preform a reality check to make sure you're awake. Think about dreaming and lucid dreaming in general.

3.Lie in your bed awake, face up, with your eyes closed. Don't go to sleep, just relax and focus on the blackness. If your mind starts to wander, just shrug off the thought and continue to focus.

4. You should begin to feel sleep paralysis. Don't try to move, but you should just feel very heavy and motionless. You should also begin to see hypnogogic imagery. Hypnogogic imagery consists of brightly colored hallucinations that occur as your brain slips into a sleep state. If you manage to remain conscious, you should now have a sleeping body but a concious mind.

5. Focus on the hypnogogic imagery. Don't try to make sense of it, just sort of stare at it.

6. The hypnogogic imagery should become clearer and clearer until it becomes a visual scene. You should be able to make out objects , people, variations of light, etc. You are now in an R.E.M state. Usually the scene you will see is that of wherever you went to sleep.

7. Roll out of, or sit up in bed. Get out of bed and don't turn the lights on. Preform a reality check. If the check fails, you are in a lucid dream, if it passes you have woken up, in which case you will have to repeat the process.

WILDs are very difficult. I've only been able to do one, and many people have difficulty doing them. They can also be very taxing on your sleep, so make sure you don't have anything important to do in the morning. WILDs are much more vivid and last longer than regular lucid dreams, as you will have the entire dream state to be conscious. They can last up to 90 minutes, but usually last around 10-15 minutes.

I find that when attempting a WILD, if you have some spare time, just go to bed, wake up the next day (without an alarm) and while your body is still relaxed, then try it. I've gotten to the imagery by doing that (which was really cool, i made them swirl around and do whatever I wanted, but then I had to use the bathroom so I got up heh) and it's probably a lot easier that way
I think the best thing to do in your dream is go "Cool, I'm dreaming? Big deal." (Sarcastically) and check out what's around you. Every time I had a lucid dream (About 4 times now) it ends up being a wet dream. :D

That was when I was starting puberty though. I got close one time, but then a giant locked me in a room, and tried to buwtphuck me. O_O
Well in that case, every single dream that I have is lucid. It's not that amazing.

Right, that's when it started getting very boring for me, when I could instantly recognize it.
I used to be able to do it VERY often, 2 or 3 times a week, and then it started dwindling.

And then when I started trying to do it again, I found that I had absolutely no self restraint. Every time i'd get into the state, i'd think "omg omg omg sex time", and that'd be all i'd do. I've managed a few times since to actually do something productive whilst lucid, but it always, SOMEHOW, ends in sex...

So i've given up on it, and vowed not to waste my time till I find a little more self restraint.

Don't you hate it how you wake up when you're about to stick it in? ftl
I must really suck at dream recall. The only thing I remember from my last dream is a pair of grey jeans (Which I don't actually own).
I think I had one today, which I worked somehow into a 1337 action adventure movie.

Though Dad woke me up before I found out the vilainess's name.

I fought a wolf-thing though!
Same as Sinkoman. When I lucid dream, reality always cock-blocks me! :(
i recently woke up from a lucid dream. Since school starts in about 4 hours (first day of the school year) im kinda nervous, so i was dreaming i was in school and for some reason i got lost. I realized i was dreaming but i didnt wanna realize it to hard to wake up. So i kinda pretended i didnt know that i was in a dream (i know, its weird). There was this yard with very big large trees and i decided i wanted to try flying, so i grab a branch and pull myself up and gravity looses its grip and im now hovering, as if im in space, and i managed to accelerate by pushing myself off objects. Pretty cool...
When you have a lucid orgasm do you cum on yourself IRL?
When you have a lucid orgasm do you cum on yourself IRL?

I've never done it :\

What's interesting though, is in a lucid dream, you can still feel your real life body, and what it's doing. So even though i'm dreaming, I can still tell if i'm lying on my face, my back, my side, in real life, and I can still hear what people in real life are saying.

So, when I have a lucid orgasm, it feels in real life like I have to piss, really bad, and at first i'd stop myself and wake myself up just to avoid pissing myself. But eventually my balls got the best of me, and I finished up anyway, and low and behold, no pissage.

It makes you horny as a bitch when you wake up though, and fappage is usually required.
