Going to try Lucid Dreaming

I have had a dream twice in the same location, ( A huge hollowed out mountain in the desert somewhere with a train track running through it.) but I was there with different people each time, and different things happened.

It's like in the first dream we were stuck there, and in the next (many months after) we were trying to escape.

Ah, too much Half-Life and Left 4 Dead for you, my friend.
I tend to go into a lucid state at the end of normal dreaming, as soon as I realize im dreaming I try and create (npc_create npc_nakedchick_01) naked chicks... or I try and fly. Mostly it doesnt last long, 20 30 seconds at most... Love it : )
LOL Colonel, I didn't realize how much it sounded like Half Life.
The method the OP described is the WILD method (Wake Initiated Lucid Dream). It is one of the more difficult to do (though also the most rewarding, in many cases). I've had very limited success with the WILD.

The easiest method for me is the reality check method (described in detail in the WikiHow article). Though it requires more work in waking life than most, it has had the most payoff for me.

Could be different for others, though.

With the reality check method do you fall asleep normally and then your daily "reality checks" will come suit? Or is there something I'm missing.

Ive tried for 3 nights in a row to do the WILD method but I've never been able to feel the paralysis. I can feel my arms start to go numb and they feel tingly but nothing happens after that. Last night I laid there for 40 mins perfectly still and nothing came of it.
With the reality check method do you fall asleep normally and then your daily "reality checks" will come suit? Or is there something I'm missing.

Ive tried for 3 nights in a row to do the WILD method but I've never been able to feel the paralysis. I can feel my arms start to go numb and they feel tingly but nothing happens after that. Last night I laid there for 40 mins perfectly still and nothing came of it.

Did you do a reality check after that 40 mins when you finally gave up?
Did you do a reality check after that 40 mins when you finally gave up?

Yeah I knew I was awake I could feel the pain when I pinched myself and my alarm clock stayed the same. After I gave up I went to sleep and had a normal dream.
Just a wee bump because I think I had some results SP wise.

I had to get up sometime during the early hours last night to use the toilet, and after getting back to bed decided I would try the 'lying still' technique. After waiting through some severe discomfort I felt my body sort of jolt. It's kinda hard to explain but I'm pretty sure it was SP kicking in. I knew I was having SP when I heard a scream which sounded like it was from the other end of my house, which scared the complete sh*t out of me. I didn't see anything (thank God) but I think i managed to kind of jolt myself out of it. Took me forever to get back to sleep.

Not sure If I'll try again after this.