Another mod



Heres my idea for a source mod, I know its not that original, and really cheesey, but I wrote it in 5 minutes.

Your name is Garry Brown. You ere born into a clan of terrorists in Russia and branded with clan mark. When you were 3 months old, the complex was raided by the military. They killed your parents and the rest of the terrorists. You were sent to America to be adopted, however you never were. You grew up an orphan never knowing your true origin. When you were 19 you joined the US military. You fought 3 years in Iraq and became a lieutenant. Now you are 27 and married. You have are on a plane flight back from the Philippines with your wife. All is well, until the very organization that you were born into hijacks the plane and tries to kill you and your wife. Before you can do anything, your wife is stabbed in the neck. You get up and attack the hijackers before they can kill you. You attain a gun, but before you can shoot them out the oxygen tank on the plane is shot and the whole back of the plane explodes. You’re grabbing onto the seat, and you are knocked out by the oldest of the terrorists. He lays your body down, sweating, about to stab you also. He stops looks down at the brand on his hand, then yours, and throws you off the plane regrettingly. He jumps off also, and parachutes to safety, the plane exploding behind him. Unconscious, and falling thirty thousand feet, you see images of your wife being stabbed over and over again. You vow to destroy the organization that killed your wife.
You wake up about 2 minutes later, choking on the salty pacific water, bruised from the impact. You swim to the nearest island. You need to find civilization and contact the USA. Unfortunately one side of the island is inhabited by a vicious tribal nation; the other is a stronghold of a Philippine militia. You have a nonlinear decision to make here. Fight the tribes or the militia. Either way you end up at a communication tower at the top of the island, and contact America. This is the “training” level of the game. After you make the call, the game really begins.
In the 4 hours since you boarded your plane, 5 other planes have been hijacked and targeted at the White House, Pentagon, CIA headquarters, San Francisco and New York. The president has been killed. The US no longer exists. You now have to make your way to North America, avoiding and fighting the terrorist organization. Once you get there, you discover a group of fighters trying to regain the government. You fight with them across to New York. Then you make your way to Russia. The action there becomes heated, and the storyline darker as you discover your past. In the end of the game, there is a 2 way decision. Help your family empower America under your rule, terrorizing the world or helping the US regain control, killing your family, and bringing the world back to peace.

Just wondering if anyone would be interested in doing something like that... or part of it... maybe :rolleyes:
I'm going to tell you real quick before somebody rips into you. Please use more paragraphs.
Poor idea for a film, which is all it could be. It would be so very hard to make a mod on that, it would be an entire game if anything. got the ideas, what skills do you have to make it? Mapping? Coding? Modelling? Skinning? It's not as easy as just thinking up a random story. Good luck though...
The problem is that this isn't really an idea for a game, it's just a story. The beginning is neat, and could be pretty engaging, so start from there and do some game design if you're actually passionate about it.
i like it, except instead of garry brown, can your name be "doogie mcjohnsonheimeroid". And the part about where the preiisdent is killed, can we make it so when that happens, he is immediately reincarnated as an orc with elephantitus of the nuts with his hair on fire, willing to help you accomplish your mission??!!!??!!! That would be really rad. Also if Alyx can be in the mod as your sister with an incest fetish, that would probably be most beneficient for drumming up some interest. I'll go ahead and make some dominatrix skins for the "love scenes"
d0ngn3ck said:
i like it, except instead of garry brown, can your name be "doogie mcjohnsonheimeroid". And the part about where the preiisdent is killed, can we make it so when that happens, he is immediately reincarnated as an orc with elephantitus of the nuts with his hair on fire, willing to help you accomplish your mission??!!!??!!! That would be really rad. Also if Alyx can be in the mod as your sister with an incest fetish, that would probably be most beneficient for drumming up some interest. I'll go ahead and make some dominatrix skins for the "love scenes"
It's already been done by Munro.
(Is majoring in physics at UNT)

Good story... But physics 101, when a human is falls, it takes about 8 seconds to reach terminal velocity, the speed when wind resistance and the force of gravity are equal, so the entity stops accelerating. When a human is in freefall, aka, hit terminal velocity, they are moving at roughly 120 mph, and the whole process takes about 500 feet.

Point is, if you're falling at 120 mph, you hit the surface of the water so hard it's the same as hitting concrete, because Newton: for every force there is an equal and opposing force. So the water pushes back as hard as you hit, splattering you across the seas.

You could survive a 10,000 foot drop if you landed in a snowbank that's REALLY deep, it happened several times in WW2 over the mountains in Europe.
how deep does the snow have to be, i just want to know because i think i might try it tomorrow
didnt the russians experiment in WW2 dropping soldiers without parachute in snowbanks when invading Finland :p Seriously though, i think i read that somewhere.
Considering the Russians treated their own troops worse than the enemies, i believe it :D