Another noob - with a request

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Hello all - nice site you have here. Who'd thunk that a game that hasn't even been released yet would have so much disscussion about it? Well me for one, cause I played HF1! And after reading some of the Valve/Gabe Newall interviews on this site HF2 looks ready to surpass my wildest dreams! (some of them anyway... :naughty: )

But I have registered on these forums for reasons beyond casual interest in HF2 - yep I'm after information. I'm doing a uni assignment on internet security and thought it would be interesting (to me at least, being a FPS fan), to write about the HF2 source code leak that happen back in September last year.

So far I've found this thread: seems like a good place to begin, but obviously it's not the complete story. I've also googled up some news stories (BBC, slashdot, etc) that were written early October 2003, but they don't have much more info than the above thread.

So, on the off chance that some one here has been keeping or has kept tabs on the story and is willing to help a noob, I make my humble plea: does anyone know where I can find information about the leak, that was written later than early Oct 03? It would be really helpful, sifting through pages of google results on a dial-up connection can be a real drag!

I realise that I'm probably opening up old wounds by bringing this subject up again (quite a few flamings tossed around in the above thread!) and for that I apologise. I'm also hoping that I don't get informed that it was all reveled as a hoax some months ago (cause then I'd have to think a new assignment topic!), but if this the case don't be afraid to tell me the truth (for the record I don't think it was a hoax/publicity ploy/excuse to furthur delay the release date).

I eagerly await replys, in the meantime it's off to google for me!
Locked this because it clearly an attempt to find out where to find the stolen files to download. We wont help you do that here

Yes the stolen files exist, Yes its illegal to have them, No we don't support it in any way here.

Also locked to save you getting your ass flamed by certain members who type before they think, you'll thank me one day ;)
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