Another Novint Falcon Giveaway!

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
After the popularity of our previous giveaway, we're happy to announce that, courtesy of the generosity of Novint we have another Falcon to give away to a lucky forum member! This time, there's a little bit more to it than just posting in the thread. To commemorate Novint and Valve's support for Left 4 Dead, this giveaway has a decidely more undead theme to it.[br]
Here's what you have to do - recently, I played a game of Left 4 Dead using my Falcon. I played the No Mercy campaign, on Advanced difficulty with two other people and one AI bot. All you have to do is guess the score. For the purposes of this giveaway, "score" means the following:[br]
The total number of Common Infected killed during the campaign multiplied by the total amount of Friendly Fire incidents I caused during the campaign, with my accuracy percentage applied. As an example, if we killed 394 zombies in total, I managed to shoot my teammates 5 times, and my accuracy was 12%, then you would come up with 394 x 5 x 0.12 = 236.4
[br]Of course, if that's too difficult then you can just guess a number - this is just to show how the score was worked out. It could be amusing to see some of the figures you come up with, though...[br]

  • One guess per person.
  • No duplicate guesses - if your guess is the same as one already posted, then yours won't count.
  • Only members who joined prior to Thursday, August 20th may enter. The last giveaway was open to anyone, this one is for the established members.
  • The guess that is closest to the actual score without going over will win the Falcon.
As a reminder for those of you who may be unsure what the Falcon is and what it can do, take a look at my review here.[br]Also remember that you can buy a Novint Falcon with a 20% discount. All you have to do is use the referral code "HL2NET" when you buy. You can find Novint's promotional Left 4 Dead page here.
I'm really hoping I'm right due to the cost to send one of these to the UK.

I hope this makes sense.

As it's the whole team kills!

My final answer is 1375

Hope I'm right :P

Really want one of these
EDIT: I botched it, you said total number we killed in the campaign? So that's the total number the team accumulated throughout the whole 5 chapters of the campaign?

I'm being dense.
EDIT: I botched it, you said total number we killed in the campaign? So that's the total number the team accumulated throughout the whole 5 chapters of the campaign?

I'm being dense.
Yes, that's right. For that part of the score, we want the number you see right at the end of the stats credits, ie. "________ zombies were harmed in the making of this film."

Oh, and good luck everyone. :)
Yes, that's right. For that part of the score, we want the number you see right at the end of the stats credits, ie. "________ zombies were harmed in the making of this film."

Answer changed to reflect it :P
Is it that Black one? Cause I hate whites...
Just cause you need to have shot your team mates a few times...

Six Hundred Sixty Seven
1755. Year of publication for Johnson's Dictionary; the birth of Pi's first body.