Another Slipup from Bush

know when to stop

sticky grey goo = bad

sticky green goo = good
this is awesome. a back and forth about the merits of nose picking. I love this site.
Putting it so simply cptstern makes it all obvious to me now...Of course, since the incident with the lolly stick I haven't been able comprehend more complex things so easily.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Putting it so simply cptstern makes it all obvious to me now...Of course, since the incident with the lolly stick I haven't been able comprehend more complex things so easily.

seeing as how I'm so old and decrepit, it's no wonder I'm just brimming with useless information ....yup I predict senility will be a smooth transition for me, I cant wait, finally an excuse to wear diapers ;)

btw never mention the lolly stick incident again, I prefer to think you hvent been the same since the site went all pink
I got a nosebleed once and a big squishy, but solid mass came out all covered in blood. It was like a tiny liver or something. It kinda grossed me out so I chucked it in the loo real fast and flushed, but I've been wondering about it ever since...
"tiny"? must have been your brain, for sure ;P

man, and here I am trying to eat cap'n crunch...
mmmmm crunchy ...unless they get all moist from the milk, then they're kinda gross

ummmmm are we still talking about boogers?
actually we're talking about the more dan quayle-ish properties of george bush.

so how bout this century, eh? did you live in it? I didn't.
"at nasa, space is still our top priority"

best quayle quote ever!
Newsweek had an article about the worst speaking US presidents. Surprisingly, Bush is not number one on the list. Though he is pretty high on the list.

What is more amazing that being a good presidential speaker has no effect on the chances of a person becoming president. I guess Bushisms will have no effect on his bid for a second term for the White House.
"Video Stores:
'Diapers! I need diapers!' -- Demanded by a customer, gesturing angrily and waving his arms around."

Haha, I love this site.

Blahblahblah: Who was number one?
/me can't believe he didn't see that one coming.

Maybe it's true :o
Dax said:
"Video Stores:
'Diapers! I need diapers!' -- Demanded by a customer, gesturing angrily and waving his arms around."

Haha, I love this site.

Blahblahblah: Who was number one?

Can't find that specific issue of newseek right now. :(

There was one president that was so bad that he was unable to do his State of the Union speech.

Here is the article title and author to prove I am not crazy (grabbed from

July 26, 2004, Newsweek, U.S. Edition
By Elise Soukup

Title: Reading Their Lips
CptStern said:
hopefully falsely invading a country will

Heh, that could be interpreted so differently i.e. Of course he invaded, look at the big army sat in the desert. :)
hmmmm ....we need a scratching your head in bewilderment emoticon, ie:

Soldiers sitting in the desert? :scratching my head in bewilderment:
You said he faulsy invaded, when clearly he did invade...It was a poor attempt at a pun.
there's that scratching my head in bewilderment emoticon again :)

dont you hate it when you have to explain subtle jokes? just chock it up to me being es-toopid :)
you do that well

hey hows canadia? I should go live there. wait, no.
CyberSh33p said:
you do that well

hey hows canadia? I should go live there. wait, no.

well I've never been to canadia but in canada people can be either es-toopid or just plain brilliant ..I tend to fall somewhere in the middle ...ya those tree roots are a bitch, keep tripping over them