Another Star Wars character in Soul Calibur 4


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score

Yep, it's the guy from The Force Unleashed. Colour me unimpressed. We could have had someone awesome like Count Dooku.

Ah well, still looking forward to the game.

Here's the video too:
As long as it's not broken like SC III I might pick it up. Although this is looking more like a star wars game O_o
why not han solo whit a bat or chewbaka whit a hammer?
Wouldn't a lightsaber just cut right through the blade? Should be a no-brainer to win.
Are you able to build your own characters in SC 4 like in SC 3?

My brother, cousins and I used to play the hell out of SC 3 and were looking forward to getting SC 4, but I admit I don't know anything about it other than those stupidly huge breasts that they gave Ivy, which is beyond ****ing retarded.
i dont think so

EDIT: no ignore that it does just not very advertised from the looks of it

also do any of you know the name of the secret apprentice? No. Do you want to know???? I warn you it's stupid.

last warning


That's what Luke's last name was going to be in some of the first Star Wars drafts.
None of the star wars characters from the new films are any good... not even Mace Windu, as much as i hate to soil Samuel L Jacksons name.
Such talent gone to waste cos of george lucas wiping his ass on some paper and calling it a script ;(
Well, he's gonna win every fight, he'll just pull a ****ing star destroyer down on your head.
Most redundant cameo ever? Force Unleashed is coming out after this.
Yeah, this makes no sense to me. At least include an established videogame badass and not some guy no one has heard of from a game that is not out yet that might suck really hard....
Calm down guys, there are still two more SW characters who'll be in SCIV that they haven't talked about yet.

And if that wasn't enough, Jedi and Sith will be Create A Soul classes.

The one good thing about the star wars trilogy
Calm down guys, there are still two more SW characters who'll be in SCIV that they haven't talked about yet.

And if that wasn't enough, Jedi and Sith will be Create A Soul classes.

Wait, there's going to be more? :O

This isn't soul calibur anymore this a star wars game O_o
This is just retarded. What the hell are you thinking Project Soul? This guy ain't shit. He's a ****ing apprentice no one has even heard of for Allah's sake.