Anoying Problem


Feb 4, 2005
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Hey everyone,
Can someone please help me with this dam problem, I am so angry at this damn editor.
Everytime I creat a level and put it online someone says that the textures are not showing up, that there are purple squares and I have just about had a god damn anough of this. I NEED someone to tell me how I can get the editor to display ONLY TEXTURES FOUND IN THE GAME THAT EVERYONE HAS.
Please can someone help me before I throw the computer out of the window.
Just a suggestion:

Figure out these problems before releasing them to an unsuspecting public.
Nothing pisses me off more than newbie mapping scoundrels that fill up all the DL sights with either utter garbage or incomplete map packages.

Hopefully ... you just meant your friends were DLing the maps.

As I have not yet moved to the Source Engine, I can offer no direct advice.
The command USED to be "-wadinclude" to build the textures right into the bsp.
There must be an equivelant for Source.
Anybody ?
Uhh, well, yes it was only friends, and how was I to know it would not show up on there computers? So dont be so mean to me if you dont know the full story, especially someone who doesnt even use source, so get lost, any serious solutions?
HA !
I was mean to you ?
Sensitive, huh ?
At least I pointed you in the equivelant of the right direction.
I was asking how to display the textures on their own and not how to add them to the BSP, although that would certainly be helpfull
@The Carpenter: You know, if you can't say anything useful, just shut up and don't respond to a post. The last thing the internet needs is one more child. Try at least giving a useful answer.

At anyrate, Haze, try this link and see if that helps your problems.
Thanks, that would help but the problem is I dont know which textures are custom ones and which ones are half life 2 ones, is there anyway to find out or to get the editor to display only official ones?
Lets stick to the subject, does anyone know how to check to see if a texture is official or not? I cant keep sending my levels out to friends and asking them to reinstall half life 2 so they can view every bit of it to see if its purple and black.
just use the textures out of the offiicial texture wad or whatever the new HL2 texture format is. Don't use any that don't come from the game. It's really not that hard.
I think Dan never mapped for Source games... He meant don't use custom wads. We don't use wads anymore, it's not packages anymore. Also, all the textures are embeded in the gcf so... I guess the only way is to uninstall HL2. Or to display the list of all the textures used in your map and then validate each one if they are from CSS or HL2.
bleh, damn, theres no much point since i will only redownload them once i play the level, okay ill have to validate, does that just meen going on and seeing if they work on a friends computer?
There's a program that can list all the textures used in your map, I just remember the name, I'll post it when i'll be back home. After that, I guess you can use GcfScape to open the Counter-Strike source gcf and search for the textures. If they are there, good, if not, they are probably in the hl2 materials gcf wich means your friends won't see em.
An easy way to check is to look in your materials directory. Every material in it is non-official.