Ant Lion Color Scheme



well, in the recent flashlight pic, we noticed that the ant lion colors are now green and purple, yet in this pic on the official site,
we have a dark orange or red.
This may be an old pic, but if i remember correctly, the older pics were a lighter orange.
So are there simpl different colors of ant lions?
I hope this is the case. This way every model of them wont look the same.
perhaps they look a different color becuase theyre having a torch shone directly in their faces
Those pictures are OLLLD, back from may 2003, don't worry about it :)
DOnt worry? About what? I want differently colored bugs! I wantses blues and purples and yellows and weds and pinkses and even guacamole colour!
but we can still have different kinds of ant lions. "Look! there goes the rare blue ant lion!" It will be like pokemon without the wierd names
It looks as a big possibility that there are many kinds of color schemes for ant lions as you have noted. Or maybe they were just jerking around with the textures still I think the "normal" ones will be thelight orange ones like the ones on Bugbait vid or the prision pics.
Estevan said:
but we can still have different kinds of ant lions. "Look! there goes the rare blue ant lion!" It will be like pokemon without the wierd names

Compying to my sign at once, hahaha nice one ^^
They're yellow or orange with small purple highlights. Note the COLORED LIGHTING and the DARKNESS in the room that the screenshot was taken in.
guys, lets not turn this into a flame see, it's really simple to explain this phenomenon once you've had the chance to talk to valve about the ant lion breaks down like this, into 3 classes...

1. the "spotted fickel-tailed" ant lion - basically the orange/red ant lion we've all seen...
2. the "rainbow backed triple-beaked" ant lion - which is basically the yellow and purple one the poster is refering to...
3. the "quad gilled 7-toed" ant lion - which has yet to be seen, but is apparently all the colors of the above ant lions, excepts he's got the ability to burp and rub his tummy at the same time when he's attacking gordon...

glad I could clear this up for you guys...
Or they could have just changed the Ant Lion skin all together a few times, couldn't be bothered creating new screens for their website, and there's only one type of Ant Lion in the game. :p
They could be old pictures of different tpyes of Ant Lion....perhaps the reddish ones breath fire......J/k
Ahh... I can still remember the text to that red ant lions picture in the first HL2 article in PCGamer.
The new antlions are discoloured, but I think it's just because of the lighting. Otherwise, they look awesome - the normal mapping on their skin is pretty good.
It all fits into place! HL2 is really a rip-off of Pokémon! Think about it.. he goes around with his supah-hott female sidekick Alyx (Misty), battling this giant evil organisation combine thing (Team Rocket), befriending these weird-ass aliens (Pokémon) and when he throws his pheromone (Poké) balls and shouts "GO ANTLION!", his antlion pals suddenly appear and kick the bad guys' (Team Rocket's) asses. And, he helps out the scientists who are always researching the aliens (Pokémon), like Dr. Kleiner (Professor Oak). And, he's like, training up to become the world's greatest materials scientist (Pokémon master), or something. So yeah, TOTALLY UNORIGINAL!
VALVe is probably making different color schemes that depend on where the antlions habitat is...
sroom2 said:
VALVe is probably making different color schemes that depend on where the antlions habitat is...

Or what their last meal was :naughty:
Jimlad said:
It all fits into place! HL2 is really a rip-off of Pokémon! Think about it.. he goes around with his supah-hott female sidekick Alyx (Misty), battling this giant evil organisation combine thing (Team Rocket), befriending these weird-ass aliens (Pokémon) and when he throws his pheromone (Poké) balls and shouts "GO ANTLION!", his antlion pals suddenly appear and kick the bad guys' (Team Rocket's) asses. And, he helps out the scientists who are always researching the aliens (Pokémon), like Dr. Kleiner (Professor Oak). And, he's like, training up to become the world's greatest materials scientist (Pokémon master), or something. So yeah, TOTALLY UNORIGINAL!

truth revealed :D :cheers:
Misty is not in the least bit "supah-hott"
Too bad the shadows are horribly incorrect. The flashlight effect isn't anything special either, but I am spoiled by Doom3's flashlight. Oh this thread was about the color of the bugs. Right. Well, they look yellow to me.
Devilphish said:
Too bad the shadows are horribly incorrect. The flashlight effect isn't anything special either, but I am spoiled by Doom3's flashlight. Oh this thread was about the color of the bugs. Right. Well, they look yellow to me.

Doom3's flashlight effect looks similar to the one in Halo, except that you can clout people over the head with it. And besides, it depends on the type of lamp that the two people have (they produce different illumination effects)
Doom3's flashlight effect looks similar to the one in Halo, except that you can clout people over the head with it. And besides, it depends on the type of lamp that the two people have (they produce different illumination effects)

pssst. Doom 3's flashlight effect is nothing like halo's. Half-life 2's flashlight on the other hand looks like Halo's. Doom 3's flashlight has a small black dot in the center and strictly illuminates only things within the the yellow prenumbra, as seen in the xbox trailer.
Crusader said:
Oh no.. he's back...

Yes, I know I can genrate a lot of fear amongst members...Muhahaha.
I believe they just changed some of the antlion art

The latest antlions (in the flashlight pic) are normal mapped and obviously have a new skin

I liked the old orangeish skins but thye lacked normal maps
Six Three said:
Misty is not in the least bit "supah-hott"

I know right... I like my women in 3D and based around a wireframe in a computer... right guys? guys?

...alone again