Ant Lions in multiplayer?


Jun 26, 2003
Reaction score
In the demos we saw them come from holes, windows, and roofs but where will they come from the rest of the time? just appear?
Does this have to do with multiplayer or what?
In single player I am sure they have some sort of spawn set for the ant lions to spawn when you throw one of those ant lion stench bombs. I am not quite sure about multiplayer.
Will they even be in multiplayer ?
A doubt it will be in multiplayer, but it will be in svencoop 2! w00t! :laugh:
yay for sven co-op 2.
and with valve backing they can make SvenCoop2 even better than it would be without it
eh i'm sure there are spawn points that you put into mapping, and maybe something like they will spawn from the closest, or closest two spawns anytime a player throws a pheromone grenade.. i think it has to be set.. and them breaking through glass etc.. is just them using their ai to get closer to you after they are spawned.

maybe the pheromone grenades will only be useful if some of that holes are near to u. or they always come out of that holes and have to walk to the grenade. i don´t know...
If you wanna know how the system works just take a look at this picture:


The sphere is an entity called "point_bugbait", and all the outputs deal with breaking glass that occurs only once and one is a spawn flag that is triggered always.

THe spawn point is probably close by.
Originally posted by Ghost
If you wanna know how the system works just take a look at this picture:


The sphere is an entity called "point_bugbait", and all the outputs deal with breaking glass that occurs only once and one is a spawn flag that is triggered always.

THe spawn point is probably close by.

Good point, I never noticed that :)
Im not totally sure but im positive gabe said most of the aliens would be in available in multiplayer
Yeah, the SDK will have a catalogue of all the HL2 creatures. Should be like point-and-click, there's your antlion.
Originally posted by djkanuk
Yeah, the SDK will have a catalogue of all the HL2 creatures. Should be like point-and-click, there's your antlion.

Uhhh .. wouldn't the SDK give the story away by including all the characters? Or at least give significant tips about it?

I hope they don't release the models with the SDK.
i do know that antlions can dig in. some magazines discribed this schene where you are chased by 5 antlions in the dunes and suddenly the 5 antlions dig thierselfs in like they are scared for something and then a giant antlion guard appears out off the sand. so i think antlions can dig tunnels and comeout wherever they want.. but i am not sure