Ant Lions


Aug 27, 2004
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I'm pretty sure there must have been a thread about this somewhere, but its probably older than I am so I figured I'd make a new one.

So, ant lions, how do you all figure they fit into the story? Were they transported to earth by combine forces or maybe some teleportation stuff occured like race X in OpFor? That one big ant lion guard kicked the crap out of the combine soldiers in the bugbait bink, so I guess they aren't happy with the combine either.

So, where the hell do they come from and what role do they play in the ever so dramatic play that we know as Half-Life 2?
The combine "grew" them, and control them with the spors thingies :afro:
even though they dont really use the spores.....dumbasses
So, where the hell do they come from and what role do they play in the ever so dramatic play that we know as Half-Life 2?

I'll tell you as soon as I finish HL2 :D

Seriously though, as far as officially release info, we're still in the dark as to how the ant lions factor into the story. On a side note, it should also be interesting to discover where we first get our hands on the pheremones. It's not like they'll just be sitting in a bin full of ammo or something.

Where did you get the idea that they "grew" them!?

They are like any other alien in HL2, transported to Earth with the accident.

We just haven't seen them yet, maybe they just exist in Europe. Or just not wherever HL1 took place. (New Mexico?)
Impulse147 said:
thier the bastard offspring of the striders.
Striders aren't biological!!
They are made by the Combine! They are robots! Argh!

What is wrong with you people!?
Its the future man!! robots can mate, and have children.....well at least bastard children(they've yet to find a minister to marry them).
So that's what the penis cannon is for...
Right on!! who knew a male robots orgasm could be so visually appealing....yet deadly.
well it all go backs to the "Alien vs Preadator" movie.
Now the preadators breeded these creatures and then eventually get get owned. Then these creatures when into hibernation and breeded and evolved. And now there out to own gordon, citizens, and the combine!
I reckon the Striders are at least partially biological. Look closely at them, they have muscles and "little" hairs on the legs, but also mechanical parts like a machine gun... I vote "Cybernetic Biomechs".
Brian Damage said:
I reckon the Striders are at least partially biological. Look closely at them, they have muscles and "little" hairs on the legs, but also mechanical parts like a machine gun... I vote "Cybernetic Biomechs".
Word. I believe the ant lions could be part of race X, or some other life form from the Xen world or some other twin dimension
will be good to see how the ant lions fit in. seeing as they attack the combine in 1 of the videos, maybe there are more sides in this 1, not straight good guys and bad guys
I think the first time we see the spors is probably where he picks them up in the bink movie. The player seemed to be 'acting' as if he had discovered them for the first time, and I think the area running up to him picking them up was covered in holes and destruction, like you were being introduced to them. Or something....
The Antlion sub plot will be explained and it has nothing to do with any of the major players.

You see, during the events of Half Life a little kid called Billy had an ant farm that he got bored with. He emptied it into the toilet and flushed, little knowing that the ant colony would meet up with mutant alligators and quickly evolve into the big bugs we see coming up from the ground in Half Life 2.
we11er said:
I think the first time we see the spors is probably where he picks them up in the bink movie. The player seemed to be 'acting' as if he had discovered them for the first time, and I think the area running up to him picking them up was covered in holes and destruction, like you were being introduced to them. Or something....

Think of how cool that introduction would have been if you never knew Antlions existed. You find some organic looking Grenades, throw one, and all of a sudden these giant bugs flood out of a hole in the ground. Now THAT would be pantwettingly exciting.

EDIT: 150 posts! that makes me a Bullsquid? Isn't that rhyming slang for something that is blatantly untrue?
Then you'd pull out your shotgun and kill most of them before you realise they're not hostile...