Anti-Bunnyhopping, phsyco killers



Anyone got oppinions on What the Multi will be like?

I think theyre gona make it a lot more realistic, nothing remotely like quake 3, more like a stealthy game.
Originally posted by Slug
come on gays, answer

Oh yeah, now people will SCRAMBLE to answer you. Great social skills there.
It's difficult to have an opinion on something you know nothing about.

Unless you are talking about theories about what the game is going to be like. In which case, no one has any idea at all.
Originally posted by Slug
come on gays, answer

now people this is a good example of what you should not do, when people fail to respond to your "oh so fantastic thread" in less than 5 minutes.
Originally posted by Slug
come on gays, answer

How not to get people to respond to your thread seriously, having ignored it to start with.

EDIT: Damn, miles too late.

On topic: I think HL2:MP will make use of vehicles and the physics system quite extensivly, although i'm not sure what they'll include and what they'll leave to the modders.
I was acutally thinking earlier that they could easily make it team based and be apart of the storyline. One team be combine and the other be the citizens of the city or whoever gordon is fighting with when in the town.
Originally posted by SLH
How not to get people to respond to your thread seriously, having ignored it to start with.

EDIT: Damn, miles too late.

On topic: I think HL2:MP will make use of vehicles and the physics system quite extensivly, although i'm not sure what they'll include and what they'll leave to the modders.

Why would you answer him? He gave you an order and you followed it.
Originally posted by Garp
Why would you answer him? He gave you an order and you followed it.

I think it's a good enough topic to warrent posting a sensible response despite his insult.
i think it will be co-op/teamplay/CTF/ffa with vehicle and all different factions. 64 players on a super computer.
Yea **** the thread starter just answer the question im kinda intrested in what everyone has to say. So just ignore his insult.
any one of you think that "gays" might be a typo?

gays and guys sure are spelled similarly
Originally posted by droper
i think it will be co-op/teamplay/CTF/ffa with vehicle and all different factions. 64 players on a super computer.

I hope its more than that. More original that is.
Originally posted by Tek
any one of you think that "gays" might be a typo?

gays and guys sure are spelled similarly

Then he should have just edited it out.
Originally posted by SLH
How not to get people to respond to your thread seriously, having ignored it to start with.

But yet most the responses were about the "come on gays, answer" instead of the topic itself.

I doubt there will be b-hopping in HL2 multi-player as Gabe himself said he wasn't a big fan of it. Does that mean down the road someone won't find a way how, who knows? I bet they didn't know it could be done with the Q engine either. I myself like b-hopping.
Originally posted by Skullhair
But yet most the responses were about the "come on gays, answer" instead of the topic itself.

That was my point.
Originally posted by Skullhair
But yet most the responses were about the "come on gays, answer" instead of the topic itself.

As they should be. Despite the valid topic, I'd rather not be insulted and take an order.

But whatever anyone else chooses is their business. :)
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Then he should have just edited it out.

maybe he didnt reread what he posted, he hasnt even replied yet.
Originally posted by Tek
maybe he didnt reread what he posted, he hasnt even replied yet.

Supprising since the urgency of his post. :rolleyes:
Maybe he's just a troll seeing what responces he'd get.
I hope it'll be diverse enough (at the start, excluding modding) that if you want to play a stealthy game... you can... and if you want to play a psycho-madness-throwing-huge-crap-at-each-other game... then you can do that too!
yes, let's degenerate whatever was successfully salvaged from the original post into some stupid insult fest.

the bunnyhop arguments have been made so many times here, so i don't think they need to be repeated. i personally think the multiplayer will depend on team-work more than the mods for the original did, so bunny-hopping would just discourage teamwork and encourage lone wolf-type strategy, i.e. campers.
the HL2:MP is the biggest secret :) especially when gabe says "no comment" there will be very much rumors
Hopefully lots of different game types..DM is so "vanilla" its boring!!!
what would you do if there was no multi-player, just Ricochet?
The exodus of the "spit visit valve" thread continues.

I gots no clue what the MP will be like, but here's what I'm hoping:

1) Co-op. Would like to see this again in a good FPS.

2) MP like SOF2. Sorry guys, I just can't get into Counterstrike. SOF2's mp is so smooth and bitchin. Flame away.
Maybe the maps will be part of the single player with humans vs aliens with different objectives like destroying structures/vehicles etc.
unfortunately, no co-op OEM I think, but a mod will fix that in a hurry I hope.

objective based teamplay would rock tho.
Originally posted by crumbles
The exodus of the "spit visit valve" thread continues.

I gots no clue what the MP will be like, but here's what I'm hoping:

1) Co-op. Would like to see this again in a good FPS.

2) MP like SOF2. Sorry guys, I just can't get into Counterstrike. SOF2's mp is so smooth and bitchin. Flame away.

its not a tactical shooter.. it wont have mp like that
Originally posted by Diablo2k
its not a tactical shooter.. it wont have mp like that

RavenShield is and it kicks much ass!!! CS is so old and lame now.

btw, i just made this. this isn't intended for anybody. I just want your thoughts, I thought it might come in handy when some jerk starts posting nonsense. There might already be one like it, but oh well...
Blue guy = Ravenshield

Tan guy = CounterStrike

btw, this can be done in RvS and its hilarious when someone does!!