Anti-game fanatic: GTA mod is inappropriate for children


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Ok now they've definately crossed the line

"California assemblyman Leland Yee is back on the warpath over videogame violence once more, this time accusing the ESRB of failing parents after the discovery that the PC version of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas contains hidden sex scenes

"The sexual content he refers to in San Andreas is an unfinished and apparently abandoned minigame concept that isn't actually available in the game, but exists in hidden files that can be unlocked only by downloading a specific patch from the Internet" [a MOD ]

"This particular game has been known to include extremely heinous acts of violence, and now it has been uncovered that the game also includes explicit sexual scenes that are inappropriate for our children."

isnt the game rated M? the nudity in question is only available if you dl and install a MOD!! how can they believe they could possibly prevent someone from making a mod?'s not like people pay for it, it's not like Rockstar intentionally sold a game with nude content in the retail version

these people really need to stfu already, this is getting tiresome
Make them stop?! Are you mad?! These people are much to fun to laugh at. :)
wont be fun when they force developers to self-censor their games before they're made
Here in Norway it's illegal to sell GTA to people under 18.. Someone freaked out when Vice City got released..

Anyway, since it's a mod, every game that is possible to mod should be rated M/18.. Using his logic that is..
"Once again, the ESRB has failed our parents," he rages in a press release on the subject, issued this week.

Once again, the parents have failed our children.
Our parents have failed the ESRB. What parent buys GTA for their child anyway!?
Well, over here in Blighty an 18 year old doesn't count as a child. These games are not intended for children. Too many people need to learn that.

Stern? Is there any chance you can get into politics? Purely to crack some skulls, that is. Uh, metaphorically. Damn game inspired violence! Look at me! I'm an inarticulate thug! THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY HAS FAILED ME! I say...why do parents buy these things for their children..can't they see the "M" sign on the box..maybe they should increase the size of the "M" or another idea is to have another section in all game stores where they have a seperate room for all the "M" games, and you need I.D. or look old enough to enter the room. That would help stupid parents from buying mature games for their young children.
By bursting into media headquarters and beating people with cricket bats!

...wait, that wouldn't work. Wouldn't spread the message we truly need to show the world.

Best stick to chainsaws.

What we really need is a high-level celebrity or politician with one iota of common sense to endorse our cause.

Hell, I'd settle for Robin Williams right about now.

Especially if he'd go bust some heads and sign my cricket bat. I mean chainsaw.
"The sexual content he refers to in San Andreas is an unfinished and apparently abandoned minigame concept that isn't actually available in the game, but exists in hidden files that can be unlocked only by downloading a specific patch from the Internet" [a MOD ]

A.) That's gotta be one smart 4 year old to unlock this stuff.
B.) So what if Jimmy see's someone having sex. I take it by the way these people are headed, that Jimmy will never know what sex is.
CptStern said:
wont be fun when they force developers to self-censor their games before they're made

Most game developers fight this kind of thing tooth and nail and they know they will win. I really don't think there's any reason to believe they will suddenly self-censor. Rockstar has been particularly unapologetic and continue to push the envelope after years of controversy.
Wait, so if I made "Realistic Porno Mod" for anything from Barbie Games to Doom 3, would that effectively mean they also deserve this rating? Yes, no?

No, they don't, thus their point is completely null.
But the point is, that mod was made from incomplete code made by Rockstar themselves. So they actually have a vaild point.

For a change
What we really need is a high-level celebrity or politician with one iota of common sense to endorse our cause.

Hell, I'd settle for Robin Williams right about now.

Especially if he'd go bust some heads and sign my cricket bat. I mean chainsaw.

What we need is the dalai lama to endorse video games, that would really put the cat among the pidgeons.
The game is an 18 ffs!

I find it ridiculous how at the age of 16, I'm allowed to smoke and allowed to have sex, but I'm not allowed to play a game or watch a film about sex. Or drink.
Well as i see it , its the parents fault, they know there children are playing violent games, so that must also mean that the parents dont have any control of#ver what they are lloking on the net. If the friggin parents wud act like parents, they wud limit to what they see on the net, and what games they are allowed to play.
Sparta said:
But the point is, that mod was made from incomplete code made by Rockstar themselves. So they actually have a vaild point.

For a change

I don't think they do, to be honest. I would argue that to access that material in it's complete form, the user would have to be determined enough to already be well into seeking out that kind of material in easier to access forms. Rockstar haven't even made it public it existed, or given any hints how to make the content work. I think a rating should only be based on content available without third party modification.
You should blame parents; after all the GTA controversy a years back, THEY STILL BUY IT FOR THEIR CHILDREN.

Besides, the mod only unlocks the developer's content. Hence, it is not entirely a third party mod. It's almost like going into the files and adding "SexScenesEnables = TRUE". They have a valid point because it's not made by a bunch of horny teenages who found out and can't stop playing those scenes and just had to share.
Low polygonal sex is a turnoff. All those jagged edges bumping and grinding into each other like sandpaper