
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
I am wondering, Since there are Anti-Shepards and Anti-Alyx's I am wondering if there are Anti-Gordon's here?

Edit: Sorted out "R" for your Grammar freaks :p
What the hell are you talking about?
Use the letter's A and E more often, for instance, A before R and E after R.

No, I don't think are many, if any, Anti-Gordon supporters around here.
Anti-Gordons? That would be a bit silly, wouldn't it?
Anti-Gordons exist. They are the people that don't like the HL series and Gordon. If you hate Gordon, you hate all nerds.

My god, that was lame.
There may be anti-Gordons but they wouldn't be in a forum that is based on a game in which he is the main character.
boystupid said:
There may be anti-Gordons but they wouldn't be in a forum that is based on a game in which he is the main character.

Of course not, that would be silly. *cough*PlanetHalfLife*cough*forums*cough*
That Gordon is a sissy man-boy and a mass murdering terrorist. I don't understand why people worship him since he brought the Xenians onto Earth on the first place. By tearing through "the Opressors" his mind is nothing more than that of a troubled teenager looking to vent his rage on authority regardless of his education. Sure he can destroy but what has he built? What will destroying the Citadel do other than the deaths of millions from the nuclear explosion and the impending reinforcements by the Combine. (It's not like they can't send more.)

Take away Gordon's weapons and he's nothing, because he's a coward. Give me Breen anyday.

[/end sarcasm]
DoctorWeeTodd said:
That Gordon is a sissy man-boy and a mass murdering terrorist. I don't understand why people worship him since he brought the Xenians onto Earth on the first place. By tearing through "the Opressors" his mind is nothing more than that of a troubled teenager looking to vent his rage on authority regardless of his education. Sure he can destroy but what has he built? What will destroying the Citadel do other than the deaths of millions from the nuclear explosion and the impending reinforcements by the Combine. (It's not like they can't send more.)

Take away Gordon's weapons and he's nothing, because he's a coward. Give me Breen anyday.

[/end sarcasm]

And still I can understand Gordon's point ^^

Anyway, the fact that there are Anti-Alyx people and Anti-Adrian folks doesn't mean that they hate the game. Same as Anti-Gordon...maybe you like the game, but the personality of the main character can be crap in one's eyes.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
The funny thing is, while I'm not anti-Gordon in the least, I agreed with your sarcasm. Gordon was wrong; Breen was the only logical choice for survival. And now Freeman's gone and messed things up and we're all doomed. DOOMED! But I still love our bespectacled protagonist, despite his failure to recognize humanity's only chance of salvation against the merciless Combine horde.

I'm not anti-Freeman but I'm pro-Breen. :LOL:
Darkside55 said:
The funny thing is, while I'm not anti-Gordon in the least, I agreed with your sarcasm. Gordon was wrong; Breen was the only logical choice for survival. And now Freeman's gone and messed things up and we're all doomed. DOOMED! But I still love our bespectacled protagonist, despite his failure to recognize humanity's only chance of salvation against the merciless Combine horde.

I'm not anti-Freeman but I'm pro-Breen. :LOL:


Pro Breen...haha! Yes, probes up everyones ass! :LOL:
Darkside55 said:
The funny thing is, while I'm not anti-Gordon in the least, I agreed with your sarcasm. Gordon was wrong; Breen was the only logical choice for survival. And now Freeman's gone and messed things up and we're all doomed. DOOMED! But I still love our bespectacled protagonist, despite his failure to recognize humanity's only chance of salvation against the merciless Combine horde.

I'm not anti-Freeman but I'm pro-Breen. :LOL:

Darkside, you're a clever man. *Gives a thumbs up*

-Angry Lawyer