

Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
Definitely worth your time to check out this little gem. Very much reminds me of portal without the portals and with mind-bending dimensional wormholes instead. Also cubes. So many cubes. Link to the Steam page below. Also I did a let's play, but if you're gonna watch that, just skip around, don't ruin the game for yourself.
I give it a 9 outta 10. Couple of minor bugs and some of the mechanics aren't... really explained first hand, but that could have just been a case of me being blind. Plus it's not always clear where one is supposed to go next, but with enough time, almost everything is able to be figured out without tooooo much trouble. And I really enjoyed the ending. Try it out.

Part 1:
Spoilers, obviously.
Kind of reminds me of Cube 2: Hypercube

In a good way.
Plenty of patterns in this game. Makes my chops all a tatter though, my run was seven and a half hours, and i just saw someone beat it in six minutes. T_T
Definitely worth your time to check out this little gem. Very much reminds me of portal without the portals and with mind-bending dimensional wormholes instead. Also cubes. So many cubes. Link to the Steam page below. Also I did a let's play, but if you're gonna watch that, just skip around, don't ruin the game for yourself.
I give it a 9 outta 10. Couple of minor bugs and some of the mechanics aren't... really explained first hand, but that could have just been a case of me being blind. Plus it's not always clear where one is supposed to go next, but with enough time, almost everything is able to be figured out without tooooo much trouble. And I really enjoyed the ending. Try it out.
Oh man, that was weird. And damn funny. You're confusion had me laughing. I stopped the video about 6 mins in, just incase I decide to get that headfk of a game one day.
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Ah, so it was your video. Then I should compliment you because I also found it very entertaining :D
It was highly entertaining... specially as I talk out loud, exactly like that, when playing a confusing game. I'll have to watch more of your Let's Play vids methinks!
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Always lol'd at the "Alright so if we come around this way, we should se-HMMMMM..." moments.

I also was yelling at the screen a lot less than I do in general watching the Let's Play's of people like HuskyStarcraft.
I yell at my own footage when my past self makes mistakes.

Future me is probably yelling at me right now.