Anticipated Mod in works, Need a few mappers



Hi, my name is G0st and I am the Founder of a fairly new modification by the name of Tacops-Source. The mod is a total RC of the game Tactical-Ops for the unreal engine, and now being re-made for source. The original website can be located at and our site is located at I am looking not only for talented mappers but modelers to help out with map meshes as well. As of right now there is no content on the website to show, but if you are interetested I will give you a small preview of our quality of work, and whats to come. Please feel free to add me to MSN or e-mail me at [email protected], or register on our forums and send a pm to G0st. I hope to hear from anyone soon, have you any question feel free to post them on our forums I will reply to them ASAP. You may also ask questions here but i appologize for the delay in my response if it takes awhile.

is this going to be a copy of css?

Othervise i might help, i have to think of it first :)
Speaking in terms of gameplay: what Counter-Strike is to Half-Life, TacOps is to Unreal.
Yes and no, the changes in the game alters everything. I tried CSS and it doesnt appeal to me much, but Tactical-Ops does.

A few differences i can list

Conefire (The area which bullets trace around a certain readii)

And there are loads other big and small changes that go very noticed

Get back to me,
