Antimatter Weapons

Not a major surprise really. Its certainly got bad connotations (like we really need another giant weapon), but there are good things about it. An antimatter bomb could carry the power of any nuclear weapon without any of the rather horrible aftereffects.
And if they figure out how the hell to actually make antimatter the significance will go far beyond just weapons.
We can make antimatter in partical accelerators. It just takes thousands of times more energy to make it than is ever released when it is annihilated.

11 particles of anti-hydrogen were produced in 1995 at the CERN partical accelerator.
I think they're looking for a way to make larger amounts of anti-matter more cheaply. It's just not practical at the moment.
The only good thing I can see from this innovation is that we could propulse space ship faster, longer and far enough to make big thing. If US is going to use an antimatter bomb, I think this will be the end of the world.
AntiAnto said:
If US is going to use an antimatter bomb, I think this will be the end of the world.
Which wouldn't really be a good thing for the US. I don't think it will be used as a weapon. There are much easier and cheaper ways to blow shit up.
Force insiders are beginning to think seriously about potential military uses -- for example, antimatter bombs small enough to hold in one's hand,

Antimatter grenades??!? :o
Great... without the nuclear fallout, we can expect nuclear warfare to be at a higher risk of occurance with antimatter triggered nuclear bombs.
I want my heavy flamer, knife beam, Y-rack, snoopers and those "I'm a ten second bomb! 9, 8, 7..." bombs that talk in the Skinny language.

That and power armour to go with it.

Now get it to me! On the bounce!
I want the bomb that was activated at the end of Spaceballs with that sexy female voice saying "Have a nice day" before detonating. :D
ductonius said:
I want my heavy flamer, knife beam, Y-rack, snoopers and those "I'm a ten second bomb! 9, 8, 7..." bombs that talk in the Skinny language.

That and power armour to go with it.

Now get it to me! On the bounce!

Been reading Starship Troopers have we?

Great book by the way. Especially liked the political commentary in it.
The Thing said:
You could blow up a city with one gram of anitmatter.

/me shudders :|

Somebody has read "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown
Neutrino said:
Been reading Starship Troopers have we?

Great book by the way. Especially liked the political commentary in it.
I agree. One of my favorite books.
Well, this is fun! They're already working on a Microwave Gun. Even better, their trying to make a "Railgun", by using Magnets to throw a projectile forward...with intense speed.

Course, the Russians are no better.
Ever hear of Cherynobyl 2?
The Russians can travel to the Moon and back in 3 seconds. WE just don't know.
K e r b e r o s said:
Course, the Russians are no better.
Ever hear of Cherynobyl 2?

bah you've been reading one too many S.T.A.L.K.E.R developer diaries :E
Antimatter? :thumbs: Good Luck, you're gonna need it!
To produce enough energy to lit ONE bulb will cost somewhere around 4000 times the whole US BNP. And to create a bomb with do the math.
Sweet, Antimatter weapons. Cool thing is they'll end up releasing it accidentally before it can be used as a weapon, and that will make the world a better place while leaving behind a huge hole in the ground :)
Humanity is seriously f*cked when we have those weapons.

When matter and anti-matter annihilate eachother, their complete mass is converted into energy, according to E=mc²
1 kg will generate 1 x 300.000.000^2 Joules of energy.
To give an example, it takes about 4000 Joules to make 1 kg of water rise 1 K in temperature. So you'll be able to make 300.000.000.000 liters of water boil. Like I said, if you make this into a weapon, we're f*cked.
For those same reasons it could possibly also be the greates powersource in the known universe. For every disaster there is an equal and opposite windfall. :D
Direwolf said:
For those same reasons it could possibly also be the greates powersource in the known universe. For every disaster there is an equal and opposite windfall. :D

ahhh, its nice to see who the optimists are around here.

here's to hoping eh?
Wont be long now until we stick some anti-matter and matter into a tube and call it a warp drive. Now we just need to find a large scottish man to maintain it. :thumbs:
PvtRyan said:
Humanity is seriously f*cked when we have those weapons.

When matter and anti-matter annihilate eachother, their complete mass is converted into energy, according to E=mc²
1 kg will generate 1 x 300.000.000^2 Joules of energy.
To give an example, it takes about 4000 Joules to make 1 kg of water rise 1 K in temperature. So you'll be able to make 300.000.000.000 liters of water boil. Like I said, if you make this into a weapon, we're f*cked.
heh more than boil, were talkin about 90000000000000000 MJ of energy according to that information. im thinkin the water would be heated out of existance lol.
Why is everyone focused on the weapon side of it? Did anyone read the line "1 gram of antimatter, about 1/25th of an ounce, would equal "23 space shuttle fuel tanks of energy."? Don't you see what that would mean for space travel? Assuming they develop a way to produce this cheaply, space travel to other worlds takes a step closer to being possible. Plus, you could in theory, equip a ship to pick up fuel out in space...
True Link, but like all new things in the world, men will try to make a bomb out of it before putting it to a GOOD use. I guess..
Does anyone see the use of this beyond weapons?

Our energy usage is growing exponentially whether we try to become green or not. Anti-matter would be an amazing source of energy if it were harnessed properly and the amount that it produces will be something that we will eventually need anyway.

Whether you like it or not we will need that kind of energy at some point, and at the speed that we are developing technologically it might not be as far away as it may seem.
What about the risks involved ie Miscalculations, Terroists or a craved scientist with a gun of some form.
Lethal8472 said:
Wont be long now until we stick some anti-matter and matter into a tube and call it a warp drive. Now we just need to find a large scottish man to maintain it. :thumbs:
Scottish man ready!
*presses the red button* BOOM!!!!
Kyo said:
What about the risks involved ie Miscalculations, Terroists or a craved scientist with a gun of some form.
Same as with nuclear isn't it? Besides, if anything it probably won't even be produced or allowed on Earth for precisely those reasons.
I wonder if there's some easy way we just don't know about to "flip" matter into antimatter...