

May 9, 2003
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Has anyone seen this blog run by a creationist convinced that EA is poisoning the minds of little kids by teaching them evolution?

I wasnt sure what forum this post would fall under but since its mostly about some creationist loon making half the internet /facepalm i thought it would be best suited to here.
I knew someone had to do it. That was just what I was thinking an hour ago, about how there will be a radical christian that says "Spore is damaging the minds of our children!1!!1!!1".

All I can say is that it will be on the news within the next month and a half.
Having seen this conversation play out elsewhere, I'm going to jump the gun and say;
It's funny because Spore is actually and example of Intelligent* Design.

*For a given value of intelligent.
Im thinking this may be a case of poe's law in action... :s
And 8,500 employees at Electronic Arts to corrupt a child’s mind.

8,500 people all working together and not a single one with enough Jesus to stand up and say what they are doing is wrong.

It makes me sick.

lol yeah everyone needs more jesus
Because Spore's evolutionary cycle is accurately based on the evolution of humans.

brb gonna eat a few cells and evolve myself some wings in the space of 15 minutes.
Not gonna turn yourself into a penismonster?
Awesome McTroll said:
8,500 people all working together and not a single one with enough Jesus to stand up and say what they are doing is wrong.
JESUS lS NOW AN adjective? Verb? Ad-verb? So like 'I'll beat you in this fist fight because I have MORE JESUS!'
Still a noun there, I'm afraid. Although I fully support the use of the word Jesus as an adjective or a verb.
Looks like he is using "jesus" as a synonym for "balls".

That's pretty jesusy.
I have a very strong hatred towards people like this. They go out of their way to make harm and trouble for other people. People like this dont deserve air.
Still a noun there, I'm afraid. Although I fully support the use of the word Jesus as an adjective or a verb.

Yeah I totally confused myself. I like the concept of having more JESUS than you.
At least he has enough Jesus to make a stand. I certainly know that I wouldnt have the Jesus to do it.
I have a very strong hatred towards people like this. They go out of their way to make harm and trouble for other people. People like this dont deserve air.

I concur. People need to just live their lives and quit accusing game developers of "poisoning the minds of our children!!1!1'.
^ sometimes the condom in my wallet is out of date.


Soz, uh, yeah, EA = the devil. :devil:

I doubt many will disagree with that regardless of their religious affiliation.
Man, I didn't think this would actually happen.

I didn't notice all the athiests complaining about all those shitty Armegghedon games based on the rapture or anything. Damned attention whores.
I can't honestly read through much of that before my brain starts screaming "EPIC TROLL".

It does seem more likely imho.
Well, he says Jack Thompson is a terrible lawyer, so at least he isn't completely batshit insane.
god daamit stupid people annoy me so much. jesus and evolution are different things!!

to put it simple:

evolution - human and monkeys are born from the same stuff. we evolved from a small cell in the ocean. the cell first transformed into a fish, then dinosaus, apes, animals and finally human. this theory is supported by scientists and i support it too.

jesus/god - invented humans, animals, plants... basically the whole universe. this theory is supported mainly by the church, also priests, the pope and some other people like for example the president of USA. but there's no scientific evidence supporting this theory.
news flash
its a woman
It’s these teachings that I’ve spent my life learning, believing and becoming, that have made me the woman that I am today.

problably is in something like "mother agaisnt everything" or something like that
MADD - Mothers Against Destructive Designers
jesus/god - invented humans, animals, plants... basically the whole universe. this theory is supported mainly by the church, also priests, the pope and some other people like for example the president of USA. but there's no scientific evidence supporting this theory.

You're calling creationism a theory??? :P
news flash
its a woman

problably is in something like "mother agaisnt everything" or something like that

You couldn't tell it was a woman? For some reason I knew that from the first sentence I read.