
Read the last few lines of his newest blog. I knew this was a hoax lol.
?21. The Lord Smelled The Pleasing Aroma And Said In His Heart: ?never Again Will I Curse The Ground Because Of Man, Even Though Every Inclination Of His Heart Is Evil From Childhood. And Never Gonna Give You Up.
22. ?never Gonna Let You Down.?
23.?never Gonna Run Around And Desert You.?
24. ?never Gonna Make You Cry.?
25. ?never Gonna Say Goodbye.?
26. ?never Gonna Tell A Lie And Hurt You.?
27.?never Truly Believe Anything You Read On The Internet. There Will Always Be Cases Of Poe?s Law.?

But in the Bible we are told in Genesis 6:7 ?So the LORD said, ?I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth?men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air?for I am grieved that I have made them.??

A bit overkill, especially in God's case. I thought he would be the master of subtlety or something. Make humans infertile, so they would just die out. Or was he in a rush.
I posted a long comment on the last one, pointing out all the stuff she's gotten wrong.
Perhaps to assist him in his next role playing expenditure? I mean, he's pretty much the "troll of the now" wouldn't you say? :eyebrows:

crap, i forgot to say "and if youre a troll, which is a high possibility, I commend and salute you."

Got so caught up in the debate that i forgot.
Damn he's good.
lol read the comments in the rickroll post... people should read a thread before posting!!!

On second thoughts some people shouldn't even comment.

Greeneggson 11 Sep 2008 at 8:53 am 54

haha even though ive never read the bible im prety sure it wouldnt have something like what you wrote.

27.?Never truly believe anything you read on the Internet. There will always be cases of Poe?s Law.?

And if god really cared about us humans and earth why would he create 100?s of billions of planets and galaxies if he only wanted to focus on us?

and isnt it really strange that in the last 1000 years or so with the rapid devolopment of science, we have yet to see any reincarnations of messiah?s or prophet?s?
He even read the post, quoted the spoof section and still missed the point...

Proof that there are stupid atheists too :D

People of science claim that the Earth is the way it is because of millions of years of time and science effecting it. But we are taught and believe that our world is this way and has the aged look because of the flood of Noah. It was the waters covering the Earth on such a grand scale that caused the aging that people of science claim as proof.

water frm the flood made the earth appear billions of years old? that explains why I so so many old wrinkly fish wallking with canes ..the water done aged them
He even read the post, quoted the spoof section and still missed the point...

Proof that there are stupid atheists too :D

No, proof that there are people that don't know stupid internet meme/jokes.
It had to be done
We are not taugh evolution at my school

Bloody Idiots
Uh, guys, the whole thing's a troll site. I don't know if you noticed.
Because Spore's evolutionary cycle is accurately based on the evolution of humans.

brb gonna eat a few cells and evolve myself some wings in the space of 15 minutes.

They are just defending their religion. I don't see any wrong in that even though I support evolution. They have their rights to voice out their opinions. However sometimes these creationists have gone too far, to put their theories which are unsupported by scientific facts into textbooks.
They are trolling.









They posted friggin' Rick Astley as their Lord and Saviour recently.
I cannot believe some of the comments, there are hundreds of people taking it seriously :p