Antlion Queen


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Im making a texture map for it, so I'll update it with that at some point later. The limbs will be attached to the body mesh later when they've been textured.

This is purely a HDR experiment to see how realistic I can get the final appearance with the texture, and I know everyone is HDR mad so I want you guys to have a look.

after that I'll rig the model for animation and post some renders in different poses.



and a bit of early fun with the HDR setup.
nice job. cant see any difference between the original queen and your one, apart from the wings of course!
thanks, The difference is mostly going into the map.. and the other one is a guard, I made queen up.

very good! What program did you use? Can you make a tutorial???
awesome i love the texture makes it look all slimy. i hate antlions though. i think he used 3dsm cuz it deffinetly isnt xsi.
crackhead said:
awesome i love the texture makes it look all slimy. i hate antlions though. i think he used 3dsm cuz it deffinetly isnt xsi.
how can u tell ? u can do hdri in xsi aswell
yeah but i can tell. for one thing the lines on his uv map would be yellow not white.
Im using Max.

Updated texture map. Im not using a proper bump map yet.

max doesnt even have a uvwmap exporter so it wouldnt matter what lines the uvmap are.
hah! see. i know max doesnt but xsi does and the lines would be yellow.
max has texporter, and the map can look totally different depending on how you tell it to color code the map

in the end does it really matter which program was used?
should finish this tomorrow sometime, Ive roughed up the skin with a more defined bump, and to me its looking better. texture is nearly done, then theres just the semi transparent insect wings to map on.

*checks Valve personelle lists for clarky003*

ahhh ha! oh no wait...he's in toilet cleaning so it cant be you....hmmm...

so what kind of cut is Gabe giving you anyway?
lol If gabe was I would be on the first plane to Seattle.. you need some top notch degree or qualification to get into company's like that, Im not sure weither high quality portfolio work on its own will cut it. Im just very familiar with the program.

The only thing that holds me back are the cost's of some of the plugin's. Give me all the bells and whisltes for Max and I know I could do anything to a proffessional standard.

Just so happens that ive quit doing design at Uni, and now im focusing on specialising in Max, and other programs. Im going to find a discreet training course instead so I can proffessionally teach the program.
its looking awesome. also yes it does matter which program was used, shinobi, because i said it was probally max and not xsi. i was then right so... kind of makes sence a little bit?
here's the finished model, now just the rigging to do.

I apologise for the resolution, but it gives you a better look.

wow dude. How do you make that textures? With bump mapping and that glansing watery effect? Can you write a tutorial? It will be very apprechiated by many people!

Maybe a tutorial on how to make the model itself!

(sry for bad english)
Great sense of color and design on the texture - really awesome work :)
thanks guys, id write a tutorial, but it would be gigantic. The map is all drawn out in photoshop, I'll post the UV texture sometime soon if you want. Here's the model without the HDR replaced by lighting.

*craps himself with amazemt*
you are insipring me to make an antlion king, and some antlion babies, and maybe even a big nest type thing.
wow that is so amazing i have saved it as my desktop :O
you must release it somewhere !
*craps himself with amazement*
my god is that thing real!?
truly amazing work well done :O

edit: aaaaaaaaaah sorry for double post :(
great work but here are 2 things I would sugest:

1. The model looks a little toy-ish add more detaile to the skin and make a batter bum_map for the body (I would suggest sepreting the head bump and the body bump).
2. It is basicly a AL guard with wings, insect "leaders" are usually big fat slugs or very big versions of the regular thing with extra stuff.
Queen Bee's look similar to to drone's, just a bit bigger with more prominant individualistic body patterns. Similar thing here it would definately be a bit bigger than the guard in a scale comparison.

I dont really want to stray to far away from the guard layout cause it looks cool. But thanks for the suggestion's I think I should add more detail to the map.
if its a queen it should have a long fat tail like womb coming out the back like the rear part of a wasp
it should? okay I dont know how creature classes work in Xen, but the Xen part of that is good enough reason to allow it not to follow earth like creature classes. Or I could just change the name of it to Antlion Drone.
it should? okay I dont know how creature classes work in Xen, but the Xen part of that is good enough reason to allow it not to follow earth like creature classes. Or I could just change the name of it to Antlion Drone.
well its totally up to you bud
it depends what way you view the antlions
if you see them as arachnids or insects they lay eggs, thousands of them, so the womb is going to be huge
if you see them as completely separate from earth biology then you can do anything you want
OMG! Awsome!

please make a tutorial=) just a small one on how do do the bumpmaps and Hdr thing..

Very very nice job anyway
did you use deep paint 3d ? looks cool :thumbs:

clarky003 said:
here's the finished model, now just the rigging to do.

I apologise for the resolution, but it gives you a better look.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

woah, that looks crazy good
did you use zBrush to make the normal map ?
