Antlions...Are they new

I dont remember seeing antlions before...

(Off Topic Note: I was at E3 03 and I tryed to get in the last showing on the last day, just they wouldn't let me in.)
jimi_hendrix1 said:
I dont remember seeing antlions before...

(Off Topic Note: I was at E3 03 and I tryed to get in the last showing on the last day, just they wouldn't let me in.)

No. No off topic notes at all, it is totally irrelevant.
the_rebel_medic said:
however if we review the theory that xen was destroyed by the combine shortly after the original half lifes last expansion pack in game time chronological order than the antlions would not have time to teleport. for the reaallllly long version of part of the theory visit HL resistance fanfic

How could Xen be destroyed if they say in HL2 that they use relays in xen to "slingshot" their teleporter?

I always thought the antlion guards looked just like the voltigores in op4 minus that deadly energy attack. perhaps the antlions, voltigores and those things with the spikes are related species, maybe the shock troopers we saw were the true combine forces as well?