Antlions arent from Zen, arent from the combines planet, so where are they from?


Jul 17, 2003
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Hmm, I find it strange theyve just magically appeared
G0d said:
They are just from earth.

doubt it m8, nothing can evolve in just under ten years, dont care what it is.
my geuss is that they came from that "portal storm" u see on the wall at black mesa east.
if somebody can open a portal to zen they can open a portal anywhere....
see, he knows.

quickly man! throw it!
argh *dies*
i told u to throw it! snarks dont like to be handled!
What makes u think they cant evolve that fast, first of all this is a game, second they do not have to explain where things came from, they could of just been there anyway like say um, cats!
judging by the fact that ant lions are NOT made up THEY ARE REALLIFE BUGS! then they are prolly just from they are in real life look here
I would of really liked to of seen that slideshow that the raisin the bar book described
NeverstilL said:
judging by the fact that ant lions are NOT made up THEY ARE REALLIFE BUGS! then they are prolly just from they are in real life look here

quote from that site:

'Do Ant Lions make good pets?
Ant Lions are some of the coolest insects around. When you have an ant lion for a pet, you get a front row seat to one of nature's wildest battles. It's Survival of the Fittest! Ant lions are not only entertaining, but also very educational. You can learn about how insects think, learn, and respond to their environment. If you are looking for a pet that is easy to keep and entertaining for the whole family, then maybe ant lions are for you!'

It certainly doesn't mention about the origin of Ant-Lions in Rasing The Bar, I'm sure of that.
It's possible that they are evolved snarks or something close.

Or maybe in the time between the Black Mesa incident and the arrival of the Combine some insect species had mutated.
Even if antlions are named after an Earth creature i don't think they are from Earth. I think they came to Earth during the "portal storms", and were named this way because their hunting behaviour isimilar to Earth's real ant lion behavior (hiding in sand waiting for victim to come)
Perhaps Xen has more environments than the one you see in HL1? Maybe the main area of Xen where aliens were warping in was from only one part of the planet and as time went on eventually some ant lions got caught in it.
To me it doesn't look like they are from Xen. Because they are more insect-like and the aliens from Xen to me looked... well like aliens.
I think its from another planet or weird place... and we might know more about that in the future ( hl3?)
I think we can assume that in the ~15 years between HL1 and HL2, no mutiations (at least, not on such a scale as is seen in HL2) or evolution could have taken place. Also, since we have not seen antlions of this size on Earth (and I imagine we WOULD have some documentation on them if they existed) they came from one of the following:

-Directly from Xen in the portal storm
-The portal storm might have extended into another universe at times, bringing in the antlions.
-They were planted by the Combine.

Directly from Xen we can rule out fairly quickly though, as it is obvious that the antlion's biology is definitely not suited for Xen (i.e. Xen's "ground" is rock, which the antlions could not use)
Having the portal storm extend beyond Xen is possible as well, since it is unlikely that the portals would ALWAYS originate from the exact same location along the fourth spacial axis.
Being planted by the Combine is also definitely possible, as this would allow for better containment in the cities, and it can be surmised that the Combine is not only an interplanetary force, but also, um...intertetradimensional?
Race X was all about energy attacks and organic ranged weapons, Antlions wouldn't fit in since they are basically giant insects armed with nothing but claws.
They come come from uranus.

Sorry, couldnt resist.

I`ll , go now.
I reckon they are just from an unknown planet we are yet to know about yet. Perhaps we will go there in HL3 maybe, and visit the Antlion King as it mentions in Raising the Bar, i'd love to see that or fight it :D
Uhm, what about the super zombies? They evolved in almost 24 hours. I forget their name... Gonomes! That was it. But the Combine did use the headcrabs as weapons, so who knows what else they used. Also, that means they probably knew before hand about the Xen creatures, they already had a whole bunch of pods, so I think that the Combine made the Resonance Cascade happen, so then when the military was wiped out, they could just walk in and take Earth.
I think they're just an example of accidental introduction. They either came over from Xen accidently during the first game (maybe everything didn't end up at Black Mesa), or the Combine brought them over by accident. We don't know much about the Combine or anything at all about their planet, so its easily possible.
NeverstilL said:
judging by the fact that ant lions are NOT made up THEY ARE REALLIFE BUGS! then they are prolly just from they are in real life look here

Thx for link lol. The real life anylions look cool :p
they look pretty similar to synths. so maybe they're from the same planet? and their appearing on earth was some side effect of portal storm and coming of the combine? maybe ant-lions are just some nasty space bugs, like roaches. pests that come after combine to whatever world they come next?
They are just some aliens from the planet earth and I think its really stupid that we didnt need to find a real big ANT MOMMA / QUEEN.

God has spoken
i heard they are on the neverland ranch
Synths look more like Snarks to me.

Also, they seem to be held to the same setup as Striders/Gunships (Organic war machines).

Also, Race X is into that whole organic weaponry fad.

Maybe the Combine had taken the Race X creatures to earth while Freeman was running through Black Mesa and by the time he had been re-awoken for his second bout with the G-Man they had "evolved" them into such warforms as the Striders and Gunships.
Please god help me.





Is everything so hard to understand for you kids? Do you go through life confused?
I get the feeling that they came in at the same time as the combine, or were brought in accidentlaly (or maybe even intentionally) by the combine. Consider that City 17 is "safer" than elsewhere, proabably because the antlions and cansiter attacks make the area outside c17 uninhabibitable. Also, consider the thumpers, the combine clearly know what keeps the antlions away. Antlions also clearly live underground and have extensive tunnel networks, which leads me to believe that the
things pounding at the bottom of the citadel may just be to keep the antlions out of city 17 (a stretch i know). Therefore I come to the conclusion that either, a) the combine had pervious contact with antlions and that they had been at odds with them for quite some time, or b) that during the intrum between hl and hl2 the comine have figured out how to (at least partially) control the antlions.

Either way, its clear that they come from another dimention, and I get the feeling that they probably hitched a ride through a combine portal from their original dimesion. That or they were brough in by the combine to for humans into cities.
there is no reason to think that race x and the antlions are not from xen
as I've said before: if you had only ever seen the pacific northwest would you not believe that giraffes and elephants are from earth?
NeverstilL said:
judging by the fact that ant lions are NOT made up THEY ARE REALLIFE BUGS! then they are prolly just from they are in real life look here

Those things are F**ked UP!!! I cannot believe that this site sells these as pets! The remind me of (revealing my geek nature here) the bugs that Khan put in people's heads in Star Trek II. Creepy!
I like the theory that the Antlions were introduced by the Combine. They make the area out of the City very, very, very dangerous and near-impossible to traverse, and what look like giant thumpers on the bottom of the Citadel do not look like a co-incidence.

The citadels are also of extra-terrestrial origin, which also seems to suggest the thumpers at the base were built prior to the Citadel arriving on Earth, which means the introduction of antlions was a planned thing.
Who says theyre not from Xen? Just because we saw some aliens in HL1 doesnt mean that's ALL the species there ever were on Xen. Besides who says they have to look similar to be from the same place? Look at centepede and a monkey. Nuff said
The Combine obviously dealt with them before judging from those pounding machines.
They are just like headcrabs and all the other non-intelligent races of Xen.

The combine use them as a weapon, but can't directly control them, Which is why they have the thumpers.

Seems to me they probably brought them with them as a weapon, Who the hell knows from where, but the Vortiguants seems to know a good amount about them, So it stands to reason they could be from Xen. We just don't know.