any character modeling tutorials?


Aug 30, 2005
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I'm thinking about joining some mods, i can map, but i think my artistic side would do me better under the position of a character modeler, and i have not the first clue of how to model a person, anyone have any tutorials? (videos are preferable but text can do if videos aren't found)

thanks in advance

P.S. I'm using XSI
HURAY for xsi!!

im not shure where any tutorias are for that exsactly but I always use a system when making people.

The torso is as long to the hip to the knee. The knee to the foot is about at long as the hip to the knee. The size of the head is eqaul to half the size of the hip to the knee. The arms reach down to half way through the hip to the knee.

hope that helps (i know its help me)
i suggest you get a reference picture here

http://blueprints.onnovanbraam. c o m/

then create each part with 8 sided cylinders. adding lines and shaping it. that is how i do it. its pretty hard to learn but dont give up.