Any games you are looking more forward to than HL2?

In the UK they did a show on BBC 2 called Time Commanders

Ineteresting show were they recreated battles and had 4 people try to change history. It used an early build of the RTW engine and it looks sweet. One problem though, the teams had an unhealthy obsession with hills.

We're fine as long as we stand on the top of this hill... must hold the hill... they're shooting us with arrows, but hold the hill.... we're surrounded being chopped apart... Hold the hill... We're nearly all dead, but we still have a few guys left, must hold hill... Defeat imminent, Defeat imminent, You are defeated, all the hills belong to us.
F.E.A.R. is by far my most anticipated game, with Half Life 2 at 2nd.
F.E.A.R., S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Metal Gear Solid 3. I'm likin' the acronyms.
Oh yeah Fear too, but thats over a year away so I am not really paying much attention to it atm.
Stalker and tribes vengance :D

Actually HL2 then them 2 games ;)