Any good free MP FPS games out there?


Formerly Hokey McSmokey
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
I tried getting Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territories, becuase it's fun and free, but I can't seem to get a good site. Everything seems down and slow. Anyone know of any free mulitplayer shooters? Good ones might I add.
QuakeLive. It's still in closed beta, but there's plenty of places to get invites. Great game if you like the quake series.
I have 5 quake invites for whoever wants them, just pm me. Also the FEAR multiplayer is still free for dl I believe.
Combat Arms by Nexon is pretty sweet imo.
Alright so I guess I was given some more invites on quake live, so I have 9 right now. Pm me people.
Just downloaded the Quake game. Is it supposed to be a demo or what? Also, do most Quake MP games require that you download mods?

EDIT: Found a Wolfenstien link that works. Turns out it was Google Chrome that wouldn't open the link. Damn google chrome.

It's a fun MP game. Full game. I haven't played it in a while so do get mad if no one is on.

Another Edit: You can try the Wolfenstein game if you want but I can't get into any server. I also accidentally downloaded a starwars mod from the server list thinking it was the name of a server so now I hear the starwars tune all the time.... (facepalm).
FEAR: Combat is awesome. Wolfenstein:ET is amazing as well. Quake: Live if you can secure a beta key, Cube2 is good mindless fun sometimes
FEAR: Combat is awesome.

The only problem is that there are A LOT of hackers. And what pisses me off is, if you really are good, they automatically assume you're hacking and you get kicked or banned...:hmph:.
Just downloaded the Quake game. Is it supposed to be a demo or what? Also, do most Quake MP games require that you download mods?

Uhh, are you talking about QuakeLive? It's played and downloaded from the browser, and you need an invite from someone to gain access to the beta site. All of the servers are hosted by ID themselves and don't require mods or anything.
America's Army. Never really played it enough to get into it so I don't really know if it is good or not.