Any good newer sci-fi movies?

It's depressing, I'll give you that.

Definitely add A Scanner Darkly to the list.

I've got Solaris and am about to watch it, actually.

Can we throw down some old favorites in here too, for reference's sake?

2001: A Space Odyssey
Event Horizon
Blade Runner
Star Wars
woaw....never expected such feedback

i've watched

The Island (First half is great, then it starts degrading really quickly)
Children of men (excellent comment needed)
The core (meh...somewhat lame)
Event horizon (****ing winz all)
Aliens series (great but watched them till death)
Blade runner (meh...not really my thing)
28 days later (worth seeing)
2001 (good movie but somewhat too slow)
Star wars (anal rape without lubricant!)
Pitch black (not bad)

have to try Sunshine, Solaris, 28 weeks later, Darkness...hmm what else?

i meant by serious as in not comedy.

anybody watched and old movie i think it was called "Ghost of/or mars" at first look it was pretty corny but it got enjoyable

and yes i've watched all those standard blockbusters like Terminator, Matrix,...
I think Samon was kidding when he said Darkness, btw, cause we all said Sunshine before that :p

Ghost of Mars, I think I've seen that.
Ghost of Mars is a rubbish remake of Assault on Precinct 13.

Serenity wasn't bad :P
Serenity was great, Firefly is as well. If we're talking TV series, watch the remake of Battlestar Galactica too.
Serenity was great, Firefly is as well. If we're talking TV series, watch the remake of Battlestar Galactica too.

Battlestar is a very good show. Not your typical sci-fi.

Greatest sci-fi movie ever.
^^ Could have been so much better tho.

Need to hire the Battlestar box set and sit down and chew through all of them in a night or two...

Farscape -is Peacekeeper Wars any good?
I forgot about TV. Battlestar Galactica and Firefly are very yes.

If you watch 28 Weeks Later don't expect it to be too much like the first film. It's a rather different animal.

evilsloth said:
Need to hire the Battlestar box set and sit down and chew through all of them in a night or two...
I'm pretty sure it'll take you more than two nights to watch all of Battlestar. There's loads of it!
I'm going to watch the Island simply in the interest of being able to comment. Tis a Michael Bay movie and it will no doubt blow big time. Scarlett will make it bearable.

Isn't the story just a big rip-off of Logan's Run? (the movie)
anybody watched and old movie i think it was called "Ghost of/or mars" at first look it was pretty corny but it got enjoyable

and yes i've watched all those standard blockbusters like Terminator, Matrix,...

Ghost of mars was crap...

If you haven't already seen it you should try Dark City

As for the already mentioned films:

2001: A Space Odyssey - boring
Solaris - boring
Event Horizon - ok
Blade Runner - entertaining but too slow
Alien - very good
Aliens - very good
Star Wars - meh
28 days later - good
28 weeks later - crap

Sunshine - haven't seen it yet

It's Solaris mixed with The Core.
Drags on a bit too long and it's depressing.

Oh... in that case, meh...

Children of Men - good (the only movie with a shaky cam that actually works well)
Isn't the story just a big rip-off of Logan's Run? (the movie)

It's actually a direct rip off of Clonus. And by direct, I mean shot for shot. The only reason I know this is because I watched an MST3k episode where they featured Clonus. The Island director and producers were sued but I don't know of the outcome.
Haha think travolta stuffed five pairs of socks down there. If you want to laugh your ass off, watch the movie with rifftrax.
I haven't watched a truly great sci-fi film for years now. Children of Men was probably the best I've seen and even then it peaked on the "meh" scale for me.

Can't beat a bit of Blade Runner imho.
Anyone ever read "the science of star wars"? To me it was just like:

b) It can't done. Ever.
Battlefield earth wasn't that bad, it definitely had potential.

i have to check this out...Assault on Precinct 13

edit: god damn it! that's not sci-fi and i've already watched it twice...good movie :)
I haven't watched a truly great sci-fi film for years now. Children of Men was probably the best I've seen and even then it peaked on the "meh" scale for me.

Can't beat a bit of Blade Runner imho.

The unfortunate truth, a science fiction masterpiece of the likes of Blade Runner was never made before it and will never be made again.
Farscape -is Peacekeeper Wars any good?

If you liked the show, yes. It's a pretty awesome (albeit rushed) wrapup that does the series justice.

Scifi shows of awesomeness are Firefly, FarScape, Babylon 5, and Earth 2. Scifi Movies of awesomeness are Serenity, Alien 1 / Aliens, The Thing (If we're counting that), Children of Men, and Event Horizon.

Sphere was awesome too, but the ending left me angry and confused.
The unfortunate truth, a science fiction masterpiece of the likes of Blade Runner was never made before it and will never be made again.

After reading the book, I was highly disappointed in the movie. It could have been so much better.
After reading the book, I was highly disappointed in the movie. It could have been so much better.

I wasn't going to say anything because it's such an unpopular opinion, but I couldn't agree with you more. The book was incredible, but it didn't carry over to film well - like all of Philip K Dick's works.
Blade Runner and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep are different entities. I stick by my assertion that BR is nearly perfect.

A Scanner Darkly is a pretty damn good adaptation of book to movie, if we're talking PKD.
After reading the book, I was highly disappointed in the movie. It could have been so much better.
Agreed. I read the book after the movie though and I still think the movie's great. The book is a lot deeper with religion and class division etc etc.
While not new, i've a real soft spot for Gattaca. Does that qualify as sci-fi?