Any guitar players out there?


Sep 12, 2003
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So this guy is my primary axe:


Run of the mill PRS SE Custom. I'm a big hard rock/metal player but have acquired a taste for jazz and clean playing recently, so I want to get something with single coil pickups. The PRS sounds good clean but it's a little too metal for some things I've been getting into recently.

So, I'm thinking of buying an American Stratocaster (, but am open to suggestions of other types of guitars to look at. Gonna head to Chuck Levins' and Guitar Center this weekend to play some stuff.

Any suggestions out there?

Thanks broskis.
Should be in Music and Musicians Forum to be honest.

On-topic, I only really dabbled in guitar. Call me a pussy, but I didn't like how the strings cut into my fingers. Calluses just do not feel comfortable to me. I also can't really play guitar that well, anyway, though I haven't really had lessons :p

I just started piano and find it theoretically easier to memorise key positions rather than fret positions, but that's just me.
I bet there are a lot of Guitar Heroes on this forum. Come on Heroes, stand up for the recognition you deserve!
Right now all I have is a Yamaha Pacifica.

But I'm heading out this weekend to check out some Epiphone ES-335 Dots amongst others.
my ibanez 6 and 7 string guitars:

I really need to get a better amp next
Yeah, I have en acoustic Ibanez that I bought about nine months ago, and an electric Strato copy that I bought about a week ago. Pics will be coming later.
Its something Ive always wanted to learn.

Playing an acoustic guitar by a fire on the beach or when camping with friends/family is just so awesome.
I have an early 1990's re-release of a Fender Jag. I can play, but i'm no expert.
I do, and play in an alt rock band with it. My guitars include a Fender Jaguar, a Parker Fly P38 and a Manson, customized into a red telecaster shape, with a bareknuckle nailbomb pickup, a fernandes sustainer and soon to have a button killswitch, pictured below at a gig we did recently xD

I've always liked playing acoustic over electric. I like sticking it to the man just like anybody else but there's something about a perfectly tuned acoustic guitar that gives me a boner.
Acoustic are the better instrument I agree.
This is random, but Chuck Levin's is an awesome place, I've shopped there for years. I've actually met him and even he sold me an Alto Sax personally. Seems like you live in my area.

But anyways, I've always preferred acoustic over electric, really don't know much about electric guitars. Still just trying to pick up and learn the acoustic to no avail.
I do, and play in an alt rock band with it. My guitars include a Fender Jaguar, a Parker Fly P38 and a Manson, customized into a red telecaster shape, with a bareknuckle nailbomb pickup, a fernandes sustainer and soon to have a button killswitch, pictured below at a gig we did recently xD


Let me get an autograph before you become famous, plz.
Should be in Music and Musicians Forum to be honest.

On-topic, I only really dabbled in guitar. Call me a pussy, but I didn't like how the strings cut into my fingers. Calluses just do not feel comfortable to me. I also can't really play guitar that well, anyway, though I haven't really had lessons :p

I just started piano and find it theoretically easier to memorise key positions rather than fret positions, but that's just me.

You have to invest time to learn guitar, people don't play instruments because they're easy.
This is random, but Chuck Levin's is an awesome place, I've shopped there for years. I've actually met him and even he sold me an Alto Sax personally. Seems like you live in my area.

But anyways, I've always preferred acoustic over electric, really don't know much about electric guitars. Still just trying to pick up and learn the acoustic to no avail.

Yeah Chuck's is great. I bought my seagull acoustic from there. I was gonna buy my PRS there but they were $150 cheaper at Samash so I went with them.

And yeah, I'm in the DC area :).
You have to invest time to learn guitar, people don't play instruments because they're easy.

Well of course, but I said it seemed easier for me. Big difference between that and asserting it's easier for everyone.
Run of the mill PRS SE Custom. I'm a big hard rock/metal player but have acquired a taste for jazz and clean playing recently, so I want to get something with single coil pickups. The PRS sounds good clean but it's a little too metal for some things I've been getting into recently.

So, I'm thinking of buying an American Stratocaster (, but am open to suggestions of other types of guitars to look at. Gonna head to Chuck Levins' and Guitar Center this weekend to play some stuff.

Any suggestions out there?

Thanks broskis.

Honestly, it really comes down to feel. When I was getting my first acoustic (after having played electric for a few years), I set aside around $700 for a new guitar and ended up only spending $300 because after playing dozens of them, that one just felt right. Fenders are certainly quality guitars, (my electric is a 1970 Telecaster), but I wouldn't go with it if you're looking at reviews or even just on the name. Definitely head somewhere local and spend hours just screwing around seeing what is comfortable for you.

I don't know if they have any Sam Ash stores in Maryland (I know they're in PA and NJ), but I'd recommend them in addition to Guitar Center.
My bands bassist left the other week so I'm having to play bass for a gig we have on Saturday as a three-piece haha. Its a lot harder to play than guitar.
Right now all I have is a Yamaha Pacifica.

My bro has a Pacifica, it's probably the best you can get for under £200. I really like the feel.

My own guitar is a shitty SG copy I bought on eBay. Looks nice, but doesn't keep tune well and makes a wooden grinding noise every time I strum :p

Will post pics if I can be arsed.
Honestly, it really comes down to feel. When I was getting my first acoustic (after having played electric for a few years), I set aside around $700 for a new guitar and ended up only spending $300 because after playing dozens of them, that one just felt right. Fenders are certainly quality guitars, (my electric is a 1970 Telecaster), but I wouldn't go with it if you're looking at reviews or even just on the name. Definitely head somewhere local and spend hours just screwing around seeing what is comfortable for you.

I don't know if they have any Sam Ash stores in Maryland (I know they're in PA and NJ), but I'd recommend them in addition to Guitar Center.

Closest Sam Ash to me is about 2 hours I'll just go to GC and Chuck Levins' here in DC.

But I'm looking for other guitar suggestions to try other than a strat. Looking for something great for cleans & jazz.

Thanks :).
I need to find the time to get back into it but I started playing a couple years ago.
But I'm looking for other guitar suggestions to try other than a strat. Looking for something great for cleans & jazz.

I don't like Gibsons personally, but I've heard the ES 137 is fantastic for jazz.
The Epiphone Casino is great clean, and a lot cheaper than the ES 137.
Hmm, I found an ebony Epiphone Les Paul Standard for $300 (normally $800). I'm so goddamn tempted to buy it.