Any Ideas for a Project?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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I need a project to do for my Welding class at school, but can't think of anything.. Everyone does whatever they want in that class, and the teacher doesn't give out projects, he just marks what you do, so what should I do?

We've got pretty much every tool you can think of, and we've got 4 different kinds of welders, so this project can be many, many things..

I was going to make nunchucks but we aren't allowed to make weapons.. I also had to dull a knife I made today D:.. (it was a cool knife, too.. Sharpened and everything..)

You should also know we aren't supervised, so I could be sneaky with some stuff, I could've made nunchucks if I hadn't told this loud-mouth jackass about it.

I was thinking about making those huge animatronic hands (the manual ones you put on like a glove and control each finger with your fingers, y'know?) but it's kind of complicated..

And before anyone says it - I have made a penis out of metal.
tbh you should make the glove hand thing. That'd get you major marks.
I made a 'concept' today of a strider, and I think after like 3-6 or so days, I'd be able to make a decent looking one. The concept I made had the strider in this pose (actually, it looked almost exactly like that), and it just had a roundish body with nothing extra (similar in shape though). Took me a while to round out the sheet metal, but with time I believe I'll be able to make a good looking one. It's going to have a different looking gun, I think it'll look good though...

The concept I made was about 35-40cm high, but I think for my final project I'll make it only like 10-15cm. Thanks for the idea, zombeh.
Make a scale model of Gordon Freeman.
a hand held portal device

sry really cant think of anything
Weld a knife to a fork, and then setting the table will be twice as easy.
A badass computer case if you are into that nerdy crap.
make a gravity gun,portal gun OR one of those bad ass sentry guns from tf2 they wont function as actual weapons so it should be ok...
Make some nice artwork that you can sell. The key with art is that anything big is automatically more valuable. A life size stickman figure could be easiily made out of some tubing or rods if you have a press for bending it. I use to make them out of paperclips when I was bored. A larger one could be welded instead of twisted together. I used to work in stainless steel fabrication. Random jobs that guys would do in their spare time would be things like coffee tables, stools, pizza pans, accessories for their truck.
make a gravity gun,portal gun OR one of those bad ass sentry guns from tf2 they wont function as actual weapons so it should be ok...

a hand held portal device

hah, I think people miss the fact how much work, time, and effort it would take to make something that elaborate, even if it didn't function. Infact people really don't realize it at all when it comes to how much effort and time is put into various mediums of art.

I am sure making a strider alone will give him a lot to do.

I actually thought about making a gravity gun, or portal gun. Both would take tremendous work. I even thought about putting in working LED lights where needed.

I would probably end up making a portal gun though, because I could buy and orange jumpsuit and print the aperture logo on it and just use a girl with dark wavy hair to pose with it.
But the gravity gun is more classic..

but none the less, probably not going to happen!

The concept I made was about 35-40cm high, but I think for my final project I'll make it only like 10-15cm. Thanks for the idea, zombeh.

np, I wait in great anticipation. ps- link didn't work
If you have the resources and a lawnmower engine, a tank. No. Seriously. I realised too late in my metal class that that's what I should have built. I'll spend the rest of my life regretting that instead of some dumb electric scooter I could have built a fully treaded tank (minus a gun--well, a lethal one, at any rate) for free, in school time, and be marked on it.
Well, as soon as I get money for metal square tubing, me and a friend will start a go-kart. With a 125cc dirt bike engine in it. That thing will f*cking GO.

The thing is - I'm trying to kill time with little projects until I can get the money for the metal for the go-kart.

I have grade 11 welding class this semester, then next semester I've got grade 12 welding, so a full year of welding class and the same teacher, too.
Are you in like the blue-collar program? We never had welding in highschool. If you want to make ridiculous money, get a welding cert and go up to Fort MacMurrey in Canada. It is a crappy town, but they will pay you shitloads of money because that is where all of the oil companies are.
The obvious answer is to make a suit of full plate, just in case you're teleported into a fantasy world. And make a mace, and tell the teacher it's a pendulum and therefore not a weapon.

-Angry Lawyer