Any More Word?



I'm sorry if this has been posted before.

I was just curious if anyone has heard or know; what does gabe mean when he says "holliday season"? Or at least some best guesses of what it means.. <(' ?))) (((~ ')>
As of right now there is only speculation, some are saying and leaning towards early December or late November. But than again that is just speculation.
if i was a betting man, which im not, ide say mid-late november.

...i mean im not a betting person. I am, hopefully, still a man.

EDIT: oh yeah, Fuzzy is now an Ant-Lion. Amazing, considering how little i pose, oh well. I spose ive around here for...a long time.
Originally posted by Fuzzy
if i was a betting man, which im not, ide say mid-late november.

...i mean im not a betting person. I am, hopefully, still a man.


Originally posted by Fuzzy
EDIT: oh yeah, Fuzzy is now an Ant-Lion. Amazing, considering how little i pose, oh well. I spose ive around here for...a long time.

bmb is still a headcrap ;(
I'm thinking mid november. However, I'm a bit pissed off that Valve cannot give us a specific date. I was beginning to accept the delay before they said the leak wouldn't slow them down. Now that they said it wont, I'm mad again.
i would guess mid-December. i HOPE no later, but if they need the time that is fair enough
Originally posted by poseyjmac
10 days before christmas? that would be strange
On the contrary; seems like a nice X-Mas present to me. And Valve knows that, so if the game is released around 10 days before christmas, profits will be higher.
well in case you didnt know, most expensive shopping is done way before 10 days before christmas. so they would be losing out on massive profits and they might as well release it after christmas.

im sure vivendi wants it out before thanksgiving too. BUT, whatever it takes for valve to release a almost bugfree game + steam launch is what i care about. maybe both of those wishes will come true.
trust me guys....they want to get it out the door as soon as possible....
We can only help sometime before the new year.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
trust me guys....they want to get it out the door as soon as possible....

Agreed, Why would they want to wait? To do what? Let Nvidia get a new card out so they can both ger profit?