Any news on portal MP code? You know, I have an idea....

Is a CTF-style Portal mod cool (different modified portalguns only, no firearms)

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It seems the poll is unquestionably yay.
......if only they released the full sources (and only if I could handle them all by my owl)...
Heck, I think this'd be fun even if it had no point and all it was happened to be just flying aimlessly around a room using other peopleses Portals.
How about only 1 player w/ the portal gun.

There could be a few 'portal destroyer' guns.

The idea is sort of like everybody is after the guy w/ the portal gun.

Perhaps the other players could also have objects that would deter the player like spikes / false walls / fake portals etc. That would be like 'traps' to kill the guy w/ the portal gun...