Any Russian Speakers?

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
I was just wondering if I could get a translation of this...
Basically it says Patriotic War, however it is reference to the World War 2. Yes, believe it or not, in Russia we have two names for WW2, Patriotic War was used generally by older people. As you know Germans invaded our country and stayed there for quite some time, so I guess in the sense that’s why we have two names, we fought for our freedom more than anything.
Cheers, that helps a lot! I can completely understand why it's called that. The Russian sacrifice in WW2 was astounding.
Yeah, I played Call of Duty and UO. Russians got stallowned.
Bad^Hat said:
Yeah, I played Call of Duty and UO. Russians got stallowned.

Lol, Stallowned. Is that getting owned by Stalin?
Bad^Hat said:
Yeah, I played Call of Duty and UO. Russians got stallowned.
Call of Duty, that great historical document? :)
I'll have you know that plenty of Allied troops fought through the enemy lines, taking hundreds of bullets yet keeping themselves upright with convenient medicine kits.

Gah, I always feel guilty when Russian pops in a conversation- once upon a time I could speak it a little (i.e., I'd memorised three basic phrases, before the internet reduced my... thinky-doey... quota), and because my family heralded from Russia people often think I can actually speak and/or read it fluently. Always an uncomfortable thing to have to explain :o
Meh, I'm half Scot and when I go North of the border I can have a tough time deciphering the accent, and that's the same bloody language. That's sad. And I don't like whiskey. What kind of Scot am I!?