Any smart Latin students out there?



Hmmm hoping I won't get in trouble for this but this seemed like the most appropriate place to do this, though the (with in reason) tag on this board scares me slightly LOL. Oh well I know that no matter what I do you guys are going to find some reason to ridicule me because I am new, so I guess I might as well get it over with and make my mistakes now. :(

I was just wondering if their are any people who have studied Latin well enough to help me with a translation or two that I need for a Half-Life fan fiction I'm writing, long as I'm at it might as well ask that if anyone is feeling generous enough to volunteer their services as an editor/consultant feel free to pm me and I'll send over my SN for MSN messenger so you can add me and I can give you a working copy of what I've got so far. (my spelling,grammar,and punctuation are atrocious so I could definitely use an editor not to mention I love having someone to toss ideas against so I can get some input and have the benefit of someone else's logic.)

Yes, I am aware I'm babbling incoherently so I shall move on to the real purpose of this thread. I was wondering if someone could translate "The Living Nexus" into Latin, I think its Victus Nexus but I'm not at all sure. I spent most of my time in Latin class ummm well doing everything but Latin, so you can see why I'd like a confirmation on this. I'm going to be using it as a sort of nomenclature for a new species in the fiction; basically a genetically engineered humanoid with some biomechanical aspects integrated into it, mainly an energy wielder drawing forth power from nexuses within its body, hence "the living nexus". If that sounds similar to a vort thats because its suppose to be :p part of the story lol so anyways discuss Latin, the correct translation of "The living Nexus", interests in being my editor, better name for me species, anything else you darn well please :p! Try to be kind if I've done something wrong or am just irritating you in general.

Stopped reading.

and make my mistakes now. :(

Heh, done.

All jokes aside, I studied Latin for GCSE. But I wouldn't be able to do it for you. You want either a latin dictionary or translator. Nexus does already sound Latin to me... I'm not entirely sure about Victus... it doesn't sound right to me.
Yeah I'm pretty sure Nexus is a Latin word, it has the typical masculine ending but then again you never know. However, I thought I was on the right track with Victus maybe I should use a different tense (By the way I know some schools just spell it with a W but its spelled with a V and all V's just sound like W's, just incase you didn't know.) By the by funny man what is GCSE?

:p Thanks for the comment though even if it did not solve my conundrum, your bitting wit made me smile . . even if it was through gritted teeth. ;)
GCSE is the standard-level English qualification. General Certificate of Secondary Education! You take it when you're 16, after which you're free to leave education and do whatever you like. About half of people choose to go on to do A-levels though, which takes two years and prepares you for university study.

As, in Latin, case and gender are communicated through prefix and suffix, there's a lot more to attend to than just translating the words. But I don't know nuffink guv.
Really? I'm nearly 18 and I've never heard of this test. And I knew that case and gender are communicated through suffice (the prefix usually stays the same through the declensions and holds the actual meaning of the word.) for example first declension is:


Singular             Plural

Nominative -a 		-ae
Vocative -a 		-ae
Accusative -am 		-ās
Genitive -ae 	 	-ārum
Dative 	-ae 		-īs
Ablative -ā 		-īs
Locative -ae 		-īs
The suffix denotes both case tense and number while the prefix just gives it meaning such as if I were to decline Puella (girl) then I would use the following declensions to do so. Anyways I believe the word for life is a second declension masculine so it would go -us -e -um -i -o -o -o -i -i -os -orum -is -is -is at least that is if I remember right. Now if I could just remember the proper case I think I'd be set.
It's an English exam. If you don't live in England, it's highly unlikely you will have heard of it ;)
Um he have English exams in America . . . heck I've had to take 12 years of English. :p He never said it was region specific in his post so I just assumed English applied to the language not the actual region it was taken in. In fact we have a test that they call the same thing in my school Cashee or however its spelled but the teachers always call it the Standard level English and Mathematics Exam. I'm sure you can see how I was confused.
It's English as in it exists only in England. And wales? Not in Scotland.
Ydy Sulk, rydw i'n siarad Saesneg!

Ahem excuse my off-topicness, but I can't help as I've never even studied latin, however:

victus -us m. [living; manner of life; nourishment , food].

vitalis -e [of life , vital; living, surviving]; adv. vitaliter, [vitally].

Victus sounds more evil than Vitalis, but vitalis is surviving, which in context sounds far more awesome.

Oh and your race sounds more like borg than vort to me.
Personally I think Vitalis sounds better. Victus sounds like a phallic object. And it sounds way too like the Latin for several other words including conquer.

And can you keep off the welsh? :p
Now this is what I was looking for, I personally like Vitalis better myself Thanks a lot guys :p knew you wouldn't let me down. Gah, I hate the borg by the way they always seemed a little . . . well mentally retarded, then again I never really got into the whole star trek thing I was more of a star wars guy.