Any Star Wars fans here...?

I guess I'm not seeing what's so hilarious. It's some idiot getting into an argument with a bunch of uber-geeks about the D20 system or something.

While I understand how one can see that as humorous in a sad and pathetic manner of speaking, I guess I'm just too tired to see it.
idk... I loved KOTOR1, and enjoyed KOTOR2...

And yeah, Darkstar has it right, DnD = Dungeons and Dragons. the rules of which (D20) are the basis for the rules of KOTOR.
I agree with him on the DnD point though.
It is pretty dumb... the force isn't some roll the dice thing likewise with saber combat.

But everything else that he said came out of his ass.

Another thing, what's the use of going through the NPC backgrounds by talking to them every now and then if it does not affect the storyline or ending cutscenes? I think this is a complete waste of resources on your part and time also, I don't even bother talking to the npcs about their past after the first game since it's useless.

So, Interactive NPCs shouldn't be in the game... because HE doesn't even bother talking to them?
...I'm pretty sure the NPCs are there to ADD to the STORYLINE.
xLucidx I agree with the NPC part, once I found out that

Kreia used to be sith, and it played that cutscene of her getting pwned.

It kinda opened my eyes a bit and I enjoyed the game alot more. Anyway, I didn't even read all that rant because of how silly I thought it was. =/
Meh, I hate all pen & paper RPGs...
Turn-based stuff really turns me off.
DnD worked very well for KOTOR imo - great system, great game, every inch of it felt 'Star Wars' to me.
Warbie said:
DnD worked very well for KOTOR imo - great system, great game, every inch of it felt 'Star Wars' to me.

Same. I actually thought the game felt more like Star Wars than the new trilogy. Whoever wrote the story should have been hired by Lucas to make a proper effin' script.

It's just a shame that the sequel fell apart so much in the end.
It had a way better storyline than anything Mr. Beardy could come up with.

He's a moron. The lack of two storylines in the game (Light and Dark)? What a moron! Did he even play for more than four minutes? Did he NOTE the conversation choices? Just because it doesn't fit up to YOUR expectations doesn't mean it sucks. I though Tetris was a first-person RPG. So? Does that make it CRAP?

Wait, why am i responding here?

Oh well, I liked KOTOR.
The Dungeons and Dragons system was actually first used for the Neverwinter Nights (much better game than Kotor IMO). Lucas Arts and Bioware used the Neverwinter Nights engine to make Kotor. Although, I believe they started from scratch for Kotor2.