Star Wars quotes you never want to hear while having sex

*hollow sound of stormtrooper helmet hitting the top of the door*
Some wimzical suggestion to the use of The Force.
I can't really imagine someone quoting Star Wars quotes during sex. O.O
I seriously cannot believe this one wasn't mentioned in over a year.

"I've got a bad feeling about this."
"R2 says that the chances of survival are 725 to 1."
The "That's what she said" video had me in stitches.

"Luke! at that speed do you think you'll be able to pull out in time?!"
I thought they smelled bad....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................on the outside.

Edit: I guess this one was already done, but I enjoy it more with the long, out of breath pause.
You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought.
You mean sex humor? Does it make you uncomfortable?

Does it... remind you?
"Great shot kid, that was one in a million!"
Ooh mooey mooey I love you!

Really you just never want to hear that at all.
"Hello, what have we here?"

No, I really don't want to hear that line being said.

Man, you can say anything that Billy Dee Williams has ever said at any time in his life during sex and you will be a winner for life.

Outside of saying anything Jar Jar Binks said... you could also go with anything Jabba the Hut said.
That exact sound R2D2 makes when he's shot in the dick opening the door in RotJ.