Any Starcraft 2 player?


Space Core
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
A friend recently bought me Starcraft 2 and asked that I try to get "decent" and play ladder games with him, but after 1 weekend with the game I am completely overwelmed. Any players here who could push me in the right direction? I had planned on playing Terran but am up for anything at this point.
I've read up on build orders and strategy guides and I understand all of that. I think where I'm lackin is in execution. I'm really slow with the hotkeys and not sure how all the controls work. I had no idea this game could be so confusing. Any help would be appreciated.
Yea I can't even get into the multiplayer because I'm so used to SC1's hotkeys and units.. I used to play Zerg in #1 and I'm finding a lot of the new units really weird. Why to Hydralisks take so long to build now? They used to be your second unit after lings, now they're like an upper-tier unit. I still don't even know most of the units aside from Terran, and that's only because I played through the campaign (the only part I really care about in the new SC's now). I'd also like some guides or something to get better at playing online haha
Glad I'm not the only one. I was able to win a few games against Hard level bots so I decided to try out a Unranked 1v1. Got smashed within minutes. Guess I got to learn enemy Zerg/Protoss strategies too. And I was unaware of the whole "wall off" thing when playing as Terran.
I tried to get into SC for the first time with SC2 but got beaten way too badly by everyone I knew. Got stuck in Silver playing Z until I wiped my hard drive; then decided against reinstalling the game afterward. Now my workmates are talking about getting into the game with HotS, and I just might start again. Guess we'll see if I feel like paying for an expansion ...

I know there are a couple other seasoned veterans here on VT.NET who don't really post much these days ... wonder if this thread will attract them to post
I really wish I had played SC1. Or atleast had started with SC2 at release but I'm still enjoying it. I played a few games last night and did much better. My APM is slowly going up and I've gotten better at not having excess minerals/gas sitting around. I guess my main issue now is that I'm not sure when to start another base. I always feel like I do it too late but can't seem to get it done any sooner. Also, I never know when to attack and what units to make/attack with. I think that's a result of poor enemy scouting.