Any textures?


Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
Are there any good free textures out there? I need it for my MOD's models.
there's that very large collection of high quality textures in one of the threads, some guy is trying to convet them all to WAD format, I dunno if he's finished yet

Edit: ok couldn't find the thread I mentioned, but found this in my IE favorites, dunno where it came from as I don't recognise the site

I'm sure someone else will be able to get you the thread, it was something like 120mb download for tons of textures, though if your wanting to mod with them I'd probably wait for that guy to turn them into a wad
Internet Explorer. It takes forever and then sayd, "Page Connot be Displayed." Can you wxplain to me what happens in you avatar? It flashes something.
The page cannot be displayed.
Well I am looking for rusted metal and bloody metal. Also I am looking for some scratched black metal.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
The page cannot be displayed.

For that one too? ack. It seems like you've got something blocking you from accessing the net properly, is your firewall setup correctly? Or have you got certain IP's blocked or hmm I dunno, something doesn't seem right.. your not on AOL are you? :)

Edit: ok scratch that then if st0lve gave the wrong url :)
ray: I just enterd it... Then its a problem you got (I haven't been on that page for ages)....
Aweome Fenric! Thanks a lot! But, how do I import these into 3Ds Max?
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Can you wxplain to me what happens in you avatar? It flashes something.

His avatar is Sadako from Ring, a Japanese movie. Basically, she kills people supernaturally. Anyhow, it just flashes different things from the movie (ie. looking out of a wall from the bottom, her walking towards the camera..)

I have the American version of Sadako as my avatar (although not animated, I just wanted to rip Fenric's idea off :))

BTW, Fenric, your avatar makes topics go off topic, DID YOU INTEND IT THIS WAY!? :cheese:
There is a texturepack of about 230 mb (unpacked) on with large (512x512 and 1024x1024) textures in .dds format. You need a photoshop and 3dsmax plugin for opening and using those, available at also. These are good quality and better than a guy who went out with a digital cam.
Originally posted by Shuzer
His avatar is Sadako from Ring, a Japanese movie. Basically, she kills people supernaturally. Anyhow, it just flashes different things from the movie (ie. looking out of a wall from the bottom, her walking towards the camera..)

I have the American version of Sadako as my avatar (although not animated, I just wanted to rip Fenric's idea off :))

oooh I want to join in the fun :)