Anybody else annoyed?


Jun 27, 2006
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Why does Eli keep calling Gordon "son". I mean come on. we were colleagues in Black Mesa, Gordon is in no way Eli's son. I mean it's just condescending.
Why does Eli keep calling Gordon "son". I mean come on. we were colleagues in Black Mesa, Gordon is in no way Eli's son. I mean it's just condescending.

Because he would have been his son-in-law, but alas, Eli has died.
You have been like a son to him, whats wrong with that? Condescending?
I dont find it condescending at all, personally...he meant it in the nicest way are like family to have put yourself between him and peril on multiple occasions...
I think he does that because Gordon looks younger, having been in cryo-stasis for what? 20 years? He hasn't aged physically and still looks 22 years old.
I believe Eli was older than him in the first place and also a senior scientist.
He basically asks Gordon to impregnate his daughter.

If the dad of a babe like Alyx did that for me he could call me whatever he wanted.
He basically asks Gordon to impregnate his daughter.

If the dad of a babe like Alyx did that for me he could call me whatever he wanted.

I actually did lol at that because Eli does pretty much imply this :laugh:

But Eli is basically saying that he would be proud to have him as his own son, for like all crap that he has faced and conquered for the Resistance and obviously for staying by and looking out for his daughter, since he wouldn't worry about her as long as Gordon was with her. And he does ALL that without asking for nothing in return, if I was in Eli's shoes I would feel exactly the same way.
I think he just wants to know what a black/asian/white red-haired baby would look like.
OP is delusional. See what I did there? Comedic gold
"Son" is often used as an address for younger men when there's a certain bond or close relation. Pretty much every general in any movie is calling his subordinates from the ranks "son" when speaking with them.
I could see his point if Eli referred to him as white devil though
The constant "oooh Alyx and you are a couple" bits irritate me. Alyx reminds me of my sister! They better not put you together explicitly in Episode 3.
The constant "oooh Alyx and you are a couple" bits irritate me. Alyx reminds me of my sister! They better not put you together explicitly in Episode 3.

Well, agreed here... While I think that Alyx does look nice (for a PC Game Character)and the "flirting" is funny, I can't picture "my" Gordon and her in a Relationship. In HL2, it was easier to think of her as a sister, but with the increase in innuendo in the Episodes it is different.
The constant "oooh Alyx and you are a couple" bits irritate me. Alyx reminds me of my sister! They better not put you together explicitly in Episode 3.

So if they put them together, it'll be Incest for you! Ha Ha Ha! :P
I would LOVE to see some Gordon/Alyx action.
I think the intimacy bewteen Alyx and Gordon we seen so far is enough. Besides,
Spoiler i guess, if anyones missed it, her dad is dead. So Godons an ass if he takes advantage of her in that situation :P
alyx is mulatto, that makes the baby like 1/4 african american.

Haha I would be lying if I didn't at least feel intruiged by the idea of Alyx and Gordon being together, but how it would be pulled effectively in first-person I will never know.

However, Valve are the gods when it comes to first-person, so if they did take in that direction it would be truely again pushing the boundaries of first-person perspective, but I reckon only Valve could pull it off well lol.
I reckon it'll be more like an unspoken relationship. The circumstances are too insane for either party to calm down.

It just works better that way... real relationships are unspoken.
The constant "oooh Alyx and you are a couple" bits irritate me. Alyx reminds me of my sister! They better not put you together explicitly in Episode 3.

Wanna introduce me to your sister ? :naughty:
I reckon it'll be more like an unspoken relationship. The circumstances are too insane for either party to calm down.

It just works better that way... real relationships are unspoken.

Good call. That would probably work the best giving the current states of affairs lol.
I think a kiss will be as far as it goes, if it goes anywhere at all. I wouldn't mind a kiss. Anything farther than that would be creepy.

We already understand that there is a definite more-than-friend love relationship developing, so that may be enough.
sometimes alyx feels like a sister, other times not so much. But man, they would have some f*ckin creepy babies
Neither do I... would you mind extrapolating?
No, I am pretty sure he means extrapolating.


Huh, I guess you edited your post. Well, here it is:
"lol, do you mean explain?"

(no, you can't take back what you said, and yes, I am evil)

What the hell?!! Stop changing it!
I have this feeling that Shift ninja-edited because Dr_Crowbar's response makes no contextual sense.

zombieturtle's comment could be interpreted as racist but there's nothing to indicate that it is and I highly doubt he was intending for it to be.
haha spot on, but i changed it back again to the previous comment because then none of the next posts would have made sense lol. But in a way, he was saying that their offspring would be creepy because obviously they would have a weird color, seemed pretty racist to me tis'all.
Well it would be a half-Caublasian baby with an orange beard who never cries or says anything.

That would be creepy.
I'm holding out for someone to make a Gordon/Alyx Hot Coffee mod when Ep3 comes out.