anybody have gameplay suggestions for CS2?

He probably means you can turn side ways to get past people who are blocking corridors and such.

I'd like to see a sprint feature. Where you go faster when you hold down a certain key, but your 'energy' metre depletes over time. If it reaches zero you have to walk (or at least run slower).
ropes for absailing down buildings and molotov cocktails and a knife upagrade like a katana
new map types insted of just cs de cs is supposed to have enough realism to say its a realisted military fps but it is also suppost to be a fastpaces easy to pick up game
kanette said:
You can grab the enemy from behind and use him as a human shield. Just like Splintercell.

This sound stupid but it is very useful for the situation when you rush into a room full of enemy. You can kill a lot without losing any hp. Get me? It may be hard to do in real life but it could work on the hostages easily.

It'd have to depend on the type of gun being fired at you though; the M249 or a sniper would still hurt you, unless the unfortunate human shield had kevlar on... And also if unfortunate human shield was able to knife you or hit you while you were holding them it'd be cool...
Different player skins depending on the map. I think it's strange when you see a mis-match of CT's. I think the team should be made up of all SEALS, or SWAT or SAS members, with slight variations to the skin.

The same with terrorists.
I'd like the sniper rifles to be corrected. It should take skill to snipe - the sight shouldn't be absolutely still. And the sniper shouldn't take is eye off the scope when loading another round.

I'd like realistic grenades - they will kill you! and 3 second fuse. Also a higher cost as the leathality increases. As it is now.. plain silly.

Full auto shouldn't spread any where near as much as it does now.

Weapon damage should be more equalized - now, the one with the best weapon wins.

When being shot, you shouldn't be able to aim very good - but you should be able to move - now it's the other way round :| You're being glued to the ground, but you can still aim perfectly?? This pretty much takes away the advantage to get in the first shot, if you have an inferior weapon you've just warned you opponent.

Leaning. Maybe.

No crosshair and iron sights, perhaps.

No "running shooting from the hip headshot from 100 meters". Thank you.

And there's a lot more where that came from... sadly enough.
I think there should be more gameplay types, maybe a robbery, or maps that actually destruct when exploded, like a vertigo that would fall apart when bombed and pieces of thing could fall and kill you. I'd like to see maps with ct's starting in a plane of something and jumping on the landing point. Maybe more machine guns and you'd have to buy the silencers for the m4 and usp and make night vision realistic, and have an rpg or a rocket launcher that costs 15500 dollars.
A game where your in a bank, and the terrorists have to collect the money from the safe, then leave via the back entrance or something...:p

Gas grenades, actually.
PEople always say katana. Its tupid when have you ever seen an SAS guy with a sword!
It would be quite cool if you could sneak up on someone, grab him and use him as a human shield :D. But if you ask me I don't want such big changes in CS:S, so consider this as a funny idea.
Wow... a CT with a sword. I am sorry, no offense, but that is STUPID. I would like to see a gas grenade and more realistic maps... The RPG should cost 15900 and ammo should cost $100 apeace. That way the RPGer only has two shots. And make it VERY inacurate... just like RL.

All sniper rifles should have some sway. I would also like to see some more weapons. Right now, the two main guns are the AK and the M4. A G36 would be cool. I also think that Ts should not be able to buy the MP-5. Replace the MP-5 with an IMI UZI.
they already tried vehicles back in one of the beta's, which mostly ended up with half the cts driving off the cliff. or getting run over.

I'd like to see leaning around corners, being able to go prone, and being able to toss nades around corners and not have to expose yourself. like, instead of just bouncing them off opposite walls you could go up to a corner and chuck it straight. think dust and the left tunnel entrance from CT spawn.