Anybody know?


Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
I asked this question in another thread which seems to have "disappeared." Has any one heard for sure, whther or not the E3 levels are actual levels from the game, or were they just made for the demo to show off the games capabilities?
I'm almost positive this is in the valve info thread. They said that all the E3 levels are in the game.
Why shouldn't they?
They are a part of the plot with Alyx in Kleinter's lab, etc, right?
I know if I took all the time and effort to make maps for an e3 demo, I certainly wouldn't want to put them in the final game.
they said they were actual areas from the game, hence gabe stating how this is the part of the game where father gragory (sp?) would be helping you
whats strange though is the docks level is built in such a way that it was never meant to be played, only used for show. like how the towers in the background have no bases, just float in the air, and how the rocks on the side of the level only block enough so you cant see past them, they arent placed so you cant not pass them. it dosent have the feel of an unfinished level, more like a level that was meant only for show.

hopefully that made sense.
Originally posted by iamironsam
I know if I took all the time and effort to make maps for an e3 demo, I certainly wouldn't want to put them in the final game.
You mean that the other way around, right?
Gabe Newell confirmed that they hired a doctor in sarcasm to help develop the 40 muslce types used to create sarcasm, also a psychiatrist was hired to help determine the best and right amout of sarcasm to use. Supposedly they spent 2 years working solely on sarcasm, there are even rumors it is to blame for the delay.
Originally posted by Cunni
I asked this question in another thread which seems to have "disappeared." Has any one heard for sure, whther or not the E3 levels are actual levels from the game, or were they just made for the demo to show off the games capabilities?

Many of the E3 level equivalents in the leaked beta have the look of one's made purely for show, but then again it's obvious that the particular build was pre-E3, because of all the errors and unfinished aspects of those levels.

After searching around all the City 17 maps and exploring them to their fullest (not that extensive are they?) I came across the street section that looks almost exactly like the one from Barricade. My guess is either this was an unfinished version of the E3 map, or a slightly edited variant. For example, the bombed out building that Gordon uses to sneak around the barricade in order to ambush the Combine on the other side is absent.

I think it would be cool if Valve, in the final build, slightly changed the areas from the E3 maps in order to give us a fresh experience in those levels. Think you're gonna be safe by ducking into that door? Oops, not there.

I've noticed variants on both the Tunnels and Bug Bait areas as well. You come across the laundry room from the Bug Bait map from a totally different path in one of the Prison maps. Also, the platform used to jump down to meet up with Alex from the Tunnels area has been walled off in one of the Under maps. You can actually continue the map for quite a ways below the area and fight more Combine.

My hope is that Valve still incorporates these areas into the game; it wouldn't make much sense in them slaving away developing meticulously-designed maps just to show off to the press. They might as well include them in the final.
Originally posted by iamironsam
Always gotta be that one guy who can't sense the sarcasm.
Nobody else seemed to want to bite, so I felt it was my duty. You'll all thank me later.
Not to be a jerk, but you only waited 2 minutes to see if someone had bitten.
spitcodfry, u also got the beta? I would think u'd be the last person to do that.