anyone able to overclock their 2400?

Sep 3, 2003
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has anyone able to over clock their 2400 which is running at 2ghz at default? im planning to over clock mine now that i bought a new case with 6 fans total (xdreamer II and bought several more fans)
if so, what multiplier and fsb do you have it at? what ram speed u have too?

o and ive never overclocked a cpu before...
i didnt ask how to overclock, or if i should upgrade for hl2, i asked what people have their multiplier and fsb set at. i already have all these items
peterhoang2002 said:
i didnt ask how to overclock, or if i should upgrade for hl2, i asked what people have their multiplier and fsb set at. i already have all these items

Not going to help, every OC is differant. Each CPU has a differant limit, so getting other ppls settigs and just entering them= t3h l0s3
The new XP's multiplier are all locked (the ones made on and after week 39) so you can only OC by changing your FSB.