Anyone been to the Gmod forums lately?

Feck me I have to get that...
It makes me really appreciate the people at this forum because a system like that really isn't necessary here
(God, anyone else remember how horible Shippi was with those common gramatical errors? Bugged the hell outta me XD)
Yeah its pretty crazy there, he goes nuts with the bannings.
What's even more amusing is click on the ban list. They're ridiculous.
Hehe. I remember gettting autobanned for using the word 'roflcopter'. :)
"Dumb reply"

What a great reason for a ban.
lol Ennui I didn't even see that. Wow. Its amazing. I wouldn't even bother posting there.
the garrys mod forums are the best i've seen because of those rules
Haha awesome. I have to get that for my MSN.

I'm a electronics/Computer (To be)engineer, Good a maths. Really bad at english.
Color Cookie
Banned by Moocow 4 Weeks Ago "Garry u ****** make a new gmod"

Banned by frasierdog 4 Weeks Ago Spamming goatse

Banned by kc_drifter7 01/18/06 Stop posting your sex pose comic.

Banned by Hezzy 01/27/06 "im aphat **** that eats poopies and i like to get hit in the nuts and i am a liea that likes hezzy up the bum and hezzy sucks on the bigest dick eva , i know its true and i like to have a threesome with garry and hezzy" I am banning you permanently (for no reason of course, because I'm a bitch like that!)

Haha, that list is classic, some of the reasons are so funny.
kirovman said:
Can we apply these rules to real life?
"Stupid People Talking Is Noise Pollution" ;)

I've never posted in the Gmod forums, but I love it that the administrator is enforcing a certain level of smart among his members...
AUTOBANNED Either really stupid or really stupid. Lost over 5,000 smartness points in one post
Stop spamming, and for the love of god learn how to spell!
I love these.
I just want to make one thing clear, i got banned for having 3870 smartness, SO WHAT THE ****???? ffs, thats a load of shit, im 11 yrs old, what do you expected dammit, its so not fair, i may have said i was 20, becuase my sister(1 yr old) kept nocking my mouse, but come on, that is so unfair
This is too funny.
An extra 2 years so your balls can drop
Haha, this is true lunacy. :LOL:

You've got to admire it.
Nice, MSN needs this. I hate people who right leet because "evreyone does it"
Call me a nazi but I'd like this on any forum I go to.
vegeta897 said:
Call me a nazi but I'd like this on any forum I go to.

Nazi is a proper noun and should be capitalized. How did that feel?
On topic, Its good to see some good old authoritarian mesures on the internet. It's like anarchy here. (P.S. If there are any spelling mistakes, please correct me so that I can improve my English.)
I'd like to add that is an exception because it already has plenty of literate people on it and doesn't need anything like this, as long as you stay away from certain sub-forums.
I visit there minimally. I wonder if I will get banned for being inactive. When you go in those forums it's like being a Jew going into a Nazi camp. I'm afraid if I breathe wrong I will die (be banned).
Who really gives a poo as long as there not talking like this in a serious situation: lololololololol i walced in dere nd dere woz a mous lolololololololololol
theSteven said:
Who really gives a poo as long as there not talking like this in a serious situation: lololololololol i walced in dere nd dere woz a mous lolololololololololol
I saw a mouse today ^_^ He was really really cute
Oh god, no, emoticons! BAN I SAY!
I fully support Garry's forumating. They're HIS forums. He pays for them. You're there as a guest. Therefore, you abide by HIS rules, not yours.

I HATE poor grammar ans spelling. I can cope with minor amounts - like missed capitals, and the occasional you're/your - but anything more and I want to kill you.

Plus, Garry cockslapped DaveL so hard it left a big welt on his cheek.

-Angry Lawyer
I sure hope you did the "ans" typo on purpose.

And if you didn't...well, it doesn't matter, its a common typo that even I do a lot.
Angry Lawyer said:
I fully support Garry's forumating. They're HIS forums. He pays for them. You're there as a guest. Therefore, you abide by HIS rules, not yours.

I HATE poor grammar ans spelling. I can cope with minor amounts - like missed capitals, and the occasional you're/your - but anything more and I want to kill you.

Plus, Garry cockslapped DaveL so hard it left a big welt on his cheek.

-Angry Lawyer

I believe you would fit in on his forums, he banned people for signing their posts.

Shodan said:
So you fail a school spelling test and just... die? :LOL:
Yes, but it's not the only option. In addition to being banned from the location of your infractions, you may (a) be placed on house arrest, (b) receive a restraining order, (c) be heavily fined by the owner of your current location, (d) serve jail time, or (e) be sentenced to death. You can speak as poorly as is humanly possible if you are on your own property... unless there are minors on the premises (in which case you skip straight to a D-level infraction... or E if multiple children are involved).

(a) applies if there is not any specific place from which to be banned
(b) applies if the cases involve multiple conversations with the same person
(c) applies if the infractions serve to devalue the owner's business/property/reputation
(d) applies to single cases involving more infractions than can be counted on the fingers of a normal human hand
(e) applies to serial language rapists or extremely horrifying cases

In the case of homeless people, A-level and C-level punishment must be substituted with community service. The aforementioned community service must at least indrectly support an institution of education with an English language department. Also, in minor and/or accidental cases, the sentence of C-level (or lower) infractions can be lowered to community service through a plea bargain.

The bill was sponsored by the Society for the Creation of a Reading Environment Worthy of Your Ongoing Undertaking (SCREW YOU).

Didn't you get the memo?
No. It was you're department that sent it, wasn't it?
I signed up because i'm so intrigued. I can understand them being garry's forums, but if he's going to support his mod he needs to give support to everyone, even if they spell lyk dis. It's annoying but he's only where he is due to the mods popularity with people, if he treats them like that he's digging his own grave. Alot of those bans say 'stop doing this, and calm down', i know who needs to calm the **** down, its the bloody mods and garry! They're all on some kind of power trip. I dislike mis-spelling of posts consistently, but i don't get too fussed with it. The entire forums feel like they're on edge to make sure they don't hit a single wrong key, thats fun! Lovely relaxed chatting atmosphere...
Very funny concept but also pretty sad at the same time. Hopefully they'll create a 15 man community of gold members who can type like audio typists at 70 words per minute without a drop of personality, and maybe then they'll be happy. Thing is i've always liked garry, popularity changes people eh!?
Angry Lawyer said:
I fully support Garry's forumating. They're HIS forums. He pays for them. You're there as a guest. Therefore, you abide by HIS rules, not yours.

I HATE poor grammar ans spelling. I can cope with minor amounts - like missed capitals, and the occasional you're/your - but anything more and I want to kill you.

Plus, Garry cockslapped DaveL so hard it left a big welt on his cheek.

-Angry Lawyer

I have to disagree. It doesn't matter if they are his forums or not, either way people don't go there to hail Garry, they don't go there to wine and dine with him or be his guest, they go to discuss, chat casually and form a community. Theres a point where rules are rules, and then where they just get silly.