anyone elese noticed this


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
half-life and its mods more then any other fps in the world gives me this "in the game" feeling nothing elese offers it and it has nothing to do with the gameplay style story ect. its someting the way the game handels or the hl engine handles something is very immersive about the way you move and the mouse goes around the screen... its so odd for years ive thought this but i cant quite pinpoint it......... its what draws me to hl... anywho i was wondering if hl2 will be like this?? just speculation but the vid's made it seem like it but apparently the game was reworked ground up so heh im in the dust about what im actually talking about can anyone relate???:bounce: :cheers:
i feel this too. whenever i play halflife i feel at ease... maybe its the gun idle animations? the sounds? the music?
Originally posted by bAbYhEaDcRaB
half-life and its mods more then any other fps in the world gives me this "in the game" feeling nothing elese offers it and it has nothing to do with the gameplay style story ect. its someting the way the game handels or the hl engine handles something is very immersive about the way you move and the mouse goes around the screen... its so odd for years ive thought this but i cant quite pinpoint it......... its what draws me to hl... anywho i was wondering if hl2 will be like this?? just speculation but the vid's made it seem like it but apparently the game was reworked ground up so heh im in the dust about what im actually talking about can anyone relate???:bounce: :cheers:

I know what you mean, there did seem to be "something" about that in HL1. I'm pretty sure HL2 will be the same if not improved. But yeah, more I think about it the more I think you've hit on something, if I play Quake it feels like im looking in from the outside, same with Unreal and the others. But HL1 always had that as you say in the game feeling. Maybe it was a lot to do with the atmosphere in it. Slightly OT but one thing I notice a LOT in HL1 is ther vertigo I can get if I'm about to slip off a ledge or something, that feeling in the pit of my stomach, I think thats a great sign, atleast for me, if a game can have that sort of effect on me it must be immersive.

Oh and welcome to the forums and thanks for making your first post in here, hope you enjoy yourself :)
I have that feeling too, I remeber playing half-life for christmas and saying "woah, this is amazing, I am gordon freeman!

Of course, this feeling is what gabe has been talking about and striving for in the next game.

Half-life just felt so immesrsive, ill bet that HL2 will be the same, if not better.
i think it was PARTIALLY how it was so INCREDIBLY immersive WITHOUT incredibly detailed enviroments, sure the graphics are hella good for their time but think about it, if you can be so immersed into a game with 5 year old graphics, kinda tells ya something.
(i liked it how it could play the game with either a nulled state of mind or a intense state of mind)
Re: Re: anyone elese noticed this

Originally posted by Fenric1138
I know what you mean, there did seem to be "something" about that in HL1. I'm pretty sure HL2 will be the same if not improved. But yeah, more I think about it the more I think you've hit on something, if I play Quake it feels like im looking in from the outside, same with Unreal and the others. But HL1 always had that as you say in the game feeling. Maybe it was a lot to do with the atmosphere in it. Slightly OT but one thing I notice a LOT in HL1 is ther vertigo I can get if I'm about to slip off a ledge or something, that feeling in the pit of my stomach, I think thats a great sign, atleast for me, if a game can have that sort of effect on me it must be immersive.

Oh and welcome to the forums and thanks for making your first post in here, hope you enjoy yourself :)

thanks fer the warm welcome, nice site you guys got runnin here :afro: :cheers:

oh and I feel the same way ut.qIII ect dont give me same feeling! its wierd hl+mods make me feel like i could actually die or fall off cliff ect. lol
theres deffinetely something in the HL engine that is addictive and works well. but its not always easy to find. CS found it, and is probably the only one that actually nailed it perfectly, no other mod has had the same feeling the guns in cs do. in cs i can actually see where my bullets go and such, in dod and whatnot the models never seem to be impacted or show signs of realism. the guns in other mods look bad as well i think, compared to cs anyway. the guns in cs felt like i could actually hurt someone with them, other mods seem like big plastic guns. so odd
Originally posted by Cheetarah654
theres deffinetely something in the HL engine that is addictive and works well. but its not always easy to find. CS found it, and is probably the only one that actually nailed it perfectly, no other mod has had the same feeling the guns in cs do. in cs i can actually see where my bullets go and such, in dod and whatnot the models never seem to be impacted or show signs of realism. the guns in other mods look bad as well i think, compared to cs anyway. the guns in cs felt like i could actually hurt someone with them, other mods seem like big plastic guns. so odd

what im talking about shows in just about any hl mod it seems like something they build into hl's core technology...... but I hear you about cs and hl haveing that special something I think it comes from detail and immersion
It doesn't glide and not everything is made out of some sort of plastic.
Originally posted by bAbYhEaDcRaB
half-life and its mods more then any other fps in the world gives me this "in the game" feeling nothing elese offers it and it has nothing to do with the gameplay style story ect. its someting the way the game handels or the hl engine handles something is very immersive about the way you move and the mouse goes around the screen... its so odd for years ive thought this but i cant quite pinpoint it......... its what draws me to hl... anywho i was wondering if hl2 will be like this?? just speculation but the vid's made it seem like it but apparently the game was reworked ground up so heh im in the dust about what im actually talking about can anyone relate???:bounce: :cheers:

I'm here to tell you that even in it's leaked and buggy state, from what I've played from the beta, it feels just as good as the original. Can't wait to play mods with these graphics. X-Box Live! is gonna cream their pants when this thing hits that system.
I know what you mean, the only game since HL to do this for me was Call of Duty.
what im talking about shows in just about any hl mod it seems like something they build into hl's core technology......

Didn't you know? Half-Life beams subliminal brain messages through inaudible vibrations in the sound.

hopefully Half-Life 2 will have the same special something that HL does. You can still play HL today and me immersed in it, that's special.
Originally posted by iamaelephant
I know what you mean, the only game since HL to do this for me was Call of Duty.

odd... I felt similarly with call of duty... like it wasent quake III'ish but rather this more immersive im in you type of engine game feel thingy
Originally posted by Letters
It doesn't glide and not everything is made out of some sort of plastic.

Lol, Doom III doesn't look ALL like plastic. Just 75% of it. Still looks gorgeous, though.

Oops... just realized, not the right quote. Oh well, y'all know what I mean.
I really wasn't referring to DOOM III in the first place... oh well... it works I guess...

DOOM III isn't out yet, though, sillies... I was talking more like Unreal Tournament Series and stuff... those really... glide... Halo... etc...
i feel disgusting detached from halo especially for pc

funny little tale behind halo tho

1. small studio bungee starts makeing groundbreaking MAC yes I said it MAC fps

2. microsoft begins sh!tting themselves because the system will fail without a good solid title

3. bungie meet microsoft microsoft meet bungie

4. microsoft MAKE THIS FOR PC NOW

5. ok ok just show us some $$$

6. sorry we meant XBOX.... dev's go crazy but see more $$$ in sight

7. made for xbox...

microsoft ownz another one!
Wow... I've seen some pretty incoherent babbling, and that isn't the worst, but it's pretty bad... :cheese:
I do agree, though. Halo has a very detached feel to it. HL has always caused me to think about why other games don't feel the same way, and when they don't, I'm usually disappointed.
Call of Duty is one hell of a game. Go get it if you haven't already. The single player is a thing of beauty.

</paid advertisement>
Yes, I have noticed this. Yes, I know how they did it. No, I'm not telling how, but you should notice it EVEN MORE when you play my MOD "Phantom-Ops"
Yeah, I noticed it. The original Unreal, Deus Ex and a couple others had it to a lesser extent, IMHO, but HL pulled it off magnificently.

<Nudges phantomdesign and giggles>

Sotto Voce: "Stop pluggin' bud! :LOL:"
Originally posted by Brian Damage
<Nudges phantomdesign and giggles>

wow! that's ranked up there with my friend thinking he was a like a pretzel and saying that he was hard and salty without knowing what he was implying :cheese:
<Hits Sandman over the head with rolled up newspaper>

Why? What was I implying?o-O

Or do I not want to know?O-o

Originally posted by bAbYhEaDcRaB
half-life and its mods more then any other fps in the world gives me this "in the game" feeling nothing elese offers it and it has nothing to do with the gameplay style story ect. its someting the way the game handels or the hl engine handles something is very immersive about the way you move and the mouse goes around the screen... its so odd for years ive thought this but i cant quite pinpoint it......... its what draws me to hl... anywho i was wondering if hl2 will be like this?? just speculation but the vid's made it seem like it but apparently the game was reworked ground up so heh im in the dust about what im actually talking about can anyone relate???:bounce: :cheers:

i dont agree. me and m8s have both commented about HL. A great game yes but what you are talking about is a few simple instructions based on bob, tilt, when running there is no bobing. you crouch very slowly and thats about it! there isnt much else to half-life than that.

your emersion cant just be based on how you move. Im not flaming but go back and have a few rounds on HL again. you dont walk you glide as you do in many other games. what you are talking about i think is the non-linear way you move. you dont just stop you slow to a stop. that is all.

you all right in the sence that many have failed to see this.
quake3 is not a good example as it is not a single player game per say. you must move fast hence the slow to stop is very abrupt but its not to say it isnt there. there are many cvars like cl_roll cl_bob for this perpose. Call of Duty is a q3a based game and has exploited this. yes i agree MY main bug with unreal and tourny was it felt too much like a game. they didnt learn any lessons with unreal2 or tourny2003.P retty games but play like poo.

to slam halo was unfair they still have a great game there even now. But yes it doesnt quite cut the mustard on the movement front.

both halo and doom3 are PC games!! Mac IS a PC!! opengl is a PC graphics format. bungie were releasing it on BOTH operating systems believe me. Microsoft were not scared of anything. They just saw a great game and wanted it for their flagship on X-box. I remember the first vids brought out by bungie. They had every1 salavating. MS wanted the game every1 else did.
I think I know what it is... the dirt!

The other games look very polished and shiny, but in Half-Life, you had dirty corridors and old shabby stuff and I *think* this (maybe among other things) creates this deep immersion.
Originally posted by bAbYhEaDcRaB
half-life and its mods more then any other fps in the world gives me this "in the game" feeling nothing elese offers it and it has nothing to do with the gameplay style story ect. its someting the way the game handels or the hl engine handles something is very immersive about the way you move and the mouse goes around the screen... its so odd for years ive thought this but i cant quite pinpoint it......... its what draws me to hl... anywho i was wondering if hl2 will be like this?? just speculation but the vid's made it seem like it but apparently the game was reworked ground up so heh im in the dust about what im actually talking about can anyone relate???:bounce: :cheers:

I never playeed the HL2 beta, but i compile the source code and made a little room with some HL textures and it felt just like the original but slightly prettier and the movement was a bit odd(if you jumped you went for miles).
I don't think the character movements in HL1 are particularly natural at all. Like someone brought up earlier, you don't bob when you move, there's no finite acceleration/decceleration from standing/running to running/standing respectably, and walking and running feel more like gliding. Other inconsistancies between HL1 and the real world include the unatural speed of sidestepping, height of jumping, and ability to turn a sharp 180 degrees (or more) while running without breaking stride or even making a curve.

I will agree that Half Life's movements are implemented better than most games, but that's because most games blow in my opinion. I think the most realistic and thus most natural movement in a game would definitely have to be attributed to America's Army. It takes a while to get used to cause most of us simply aren't accustomed to playing FPS's with that level of realism, but once you've played for a while you'll see what I mean.
Natural feel may not be a realistic feel. Realistic movements would feel laggy.
Originally posted by Santa
Natural feel may not be a realistic feel. Realistic movements would feel laggy.

I may be mistaken, but doesn't "natural" imply realistic? Natural as in found in nature, which the movements in HL1 definitely aren't.

Anyway, I think the only reason people think HL1 feels particularly "natural" is because they've grown so accustom to the unatural movement of first person shooters. Wolfenstien 3D was the first FPS worth playing, and the movements where unaturally fast for a person firing a weapon with any sort of accuracy.
i think you might be looking at HL thru some nice rose tinted glasses here.

ok HL does it well. it may not be real but hey thats not the point of emersion. HL does it well but other games do it better.
I don't think any games movements are realistic and i don't care too much either. imersing somone into a game may not always require it to be realistic and sometimes makeing something more realistic may just anoy the user.
The reason Half-Life felt more immersive (IMO, don't quote me) was due to the fact that you rarely leave Gordons point of view. There is no flashy intro, it's you in a train. You don't get third-person/bullet time/out of body experience.

What he sees you see.

Then you get to do all the runny around shooty stuff.

I havent played Americas Army but I think Operation Flashpoint had the most realistic movement of any game I've played. And for the record, as realistic as it was, I always hated the movement in OpFlash, it feels laggy, slow and clumsy.
Originally posted by iamironsam
I don't think the character movements in HL1 are particularly natural at all. Like someone brought up earlier, you don't bob when you move, there's no finite acceleration/decceleration from standing/running to running/standing respectably, and walking and running feel more like gliding. Other inconsistancies between HL1 and the real world include the unatural speed of sidestepping, height of jumping, and ability to turn a sharp 180 degrees (or more) while running without breaking stride or even making a curve.

People actually do bob when they walk, but it's a subconcious thing and is barely noticeable most of the time.

As for the other stuff, maybe the HEV suit can enhance your movement, like a robotic exoskeleton?
More implausible things do exist in HL. :)

With the new focus on physics in HL2, the issues of acceleration might be addressed too. You never know.