Anyone else bored with Doom 3 now that they've finished it?

Warbie said:
If the game is worth keeping then people will generally do so. It's no different from returning anything else.

No it is different. These are intellectual properties we're talking about, not appliances or tools or cars. You pay for the experience or entertainment, not it's usefulness. It's like bypassing having to rent movies by going and buying them and returning them afterwards. It's like returning a book after reading it. This is immoral, you got enjoyment out of the intellectual property.....f*ckin pay for it.

I can't believe people are arguing this.
Warbie said:
If the game is worth keeping then people will generally do so. It's no different from returning anything else.

That's completely ridiculous. Returning a shirt because it doesn't fit is totally different than finishing a game and then returning it. A better example would be to buy a T-shirt, wear it for the summer while it is hot out and then return it in the fall when you don't need it anymore. That's basically what your doing if you return a game after finishing it.

If you buy it and play it then you keep it. That's why you read reviews and such before buying a game. If you really don't want it afterall then sell it on ebay or something.
That's beside the point.

If a store has a 10 day return policy what's wrong with using it?

(I personally have no moral difficulty in returning a game that turns out to be poor)
Xenome said:
Wtf I don't understand something: why is everbody saying "blabla im just gonna return it", is it that easy?

You don't even have a legit reason do you?
You have payed for the doom 3 expierence, wich you got, you don't have any right to get your money back imo...or do stores think otherwise? :]

EB Games is cool with me returning it within 7 days, i beat it in 3 days and apparently they've had a few customers who preordered return it. The game asked me why i wanted to return it and i told him that it was too short and repetitive and i was never going to play it again. He agreed and said he wasn't a big fan either. But he wouldn't let me return it without that little metal figurine guy, so i'm going back withthe metal figurine guy today and getting my money back
Warbie said:
That's beside the point.

If a store has a 10 day return policy what's wrong with using it?

(I personally have no moral difficulty in returning a game that turns out to be poor)

Like DarkStar said, I don't even see how you are arguing this. It's not a huge deal, but I don't think you have a leg to stand on in claiming it's within moral grounds.
DarkStar said:
Personally, I think returning a game after finishing it is completely immoral. No different than pirating really.

I expected better from you Sparta.

I don't have a job, i'm disabled and i'm still trying to go to school as much as i can. To save up a hundred bucks is a real effort for me, so whatever i spend my money on, better be worth it. Doom 3 is not worth 100 bucks in my eyes, so i'm getting my money back
Sparta said:
I don't have a job, i'm disabled and i'm still trying to go to school as much as i can. To save up a hundred bucks is a real effort for me, so whatever i spend my money on, better be worth it. Doom 3 is not worth 100 bucks in my eyes, so i'm getting my money back

Now since you are disabled and don't have a job I might feel bad and sympathize if we were talking about something like clothes, housing, or food. But since we're talking about a video game I don't in the least. If you can't afford it then don't buy it.

Just because you don't think something is worth what you payed for it doesn't give you any moral right to use it and then return it. Now if you had played 20 minutes of it and then returned it I would understand. Even if you got bored and quit halfway through I could accept that with no problem. But since you were obviously entertained for the 20 or so hours it took to complete it then you did, in fact, get your money's worth.

It would be the same thing as trying to get your money back at a movie theater because you didn't think the movie was good enough.:rolleyes:

In my opinion, returning a game after completing it is the exact same thing as piracy.
Neutrino said:
Now since you are disabled and don't have a job I might feel bad and sympathize if we were talking about something like clothes, housing, or food. But since we're talking about a video game I don't in the least.

Just because you don't think something is worth what you payed for it doesn't give you any moral right to use it and then return it. Now if you had played 20 minutes of it and then returned it I would understand. Even if you got bored and quit halfway through I could accept that with no problem. But since you were obviously entertained for the 20 or so hours it took to complete it then you got your money's worth.

It's the same thing as trying to get your money back at a movie theater because you didn't think the movie was good enough.:rolleyes:

In my opinion, returning a game after completing it is the same thing is the exact same thing as piracy.

You pay for a game to play it more then once. In this case, i'll never be going back to play the game because i know what lurks behind every corner in every room, it isn't scary, and its really easy (How easy were the 3 bosses? I mean come on). As for being entertained, i wasn't entertained, i kept playing to see if it gets better and to decide whether or not it's actually worth keeping just to play through again. I was already comtemplating returning it on the first day because it was really repetitive.

If you buy HL2, play through it and its terrible, tell me you wouldn't return? After spending 100 bucks and waiting for a year and half (In this case 3 years) wouldn't you feel a little bit ripped off? Because i'm feeling really ripped off. It is within moral grounds because the store allows you to do so within a certain number of days. I was already comtemplating returning it on the first day because it was really repetitive. And its not like i'm trying to return after 3 weeks or a month.

You may think i got my money's worth from playing through the entire game, but i didn't get anywhere NEAR it, maybe about 60-70 bucks worth. My older brother whose 21 agrees that its worth only about that much here.
Neutrino said:
Like DarkStar said, I don't even see how you are arguing this. It's not a huge deal, but I don't think you have a leg to stand on in claiming it's within moral grounds.

Moral shmoral - it's legal and stops me having to waste my cash on crappy games.

It's no worse than downloading loads of mp3's - which i'm sure most people on this forum are guilty of.
Im just mad because I cant return my copy, well technically I can... but I dont do that.

it just sucks that we are having this discussion about DOom3 in the first place.
Mr. Redundant said:
Im just mad because I cant return my copy, well technically I can... but I dont do that.

it just sucks that we are having this discussion about DOom3 in the first place.

Yeah i know man, i'm pretty disappointed with Doom 3 and seriously i told the guy "I finished the game and it was really repetitve and i doubt i'll play it again" and he nodded and said right back "Yeah i wasn't a huge fan either". So if the stores employers actually agree with me how is that not moral?
Im gonna return it and wait untill it comes down much lower then i will buy it again.
^Ben said:
Im gonna return it and wait untill it comes down much lower then i will buy it again.
Why don't you just keep it if you're gonna play it again eventually? As for me, i doubt i'll ever play it again as it doesn't offer any replay value at all.
Well i dont see think its worth the money so as my right as a consumer i will send it back.

And when it comes down ($15) i will buy it again just because i already played it and if i didnt buy it, it would just be like warezing it. (And there might be some decent mods.)
Sparta said:
Why don't you just keep it if you're gonna play it again eventually? As for me, i doubt i'll ever play it again as it doesn't offer any replay value at all.
probably because he thinks ID deserve the money, however much less than what he paid for now.
Well i dont paticulary think they deserve any of my money.

But i will still get it on moral grounds and to support the industry.
Sparta said:
If you buy HL2, play through it and its terrible, tell me you wouldn't return?

No, I wouldn't. Cause that would be my fault for paying for it. That's why I read reviews.

Even if the reviews were misleading and it was still terrible I would never return it after playing all the way through. Sorry, but that's just wrong. If I played for an hour or so and it was terrible, then yes, by all means I'd take it back. But finishing it and then returning it is just blatantly wrong in my opinion.
Neutrino said:
No, I wouldn't. Cause that would be my fault for paying for it. That's why I read reviews.

Even if the reviews were misleading and it was still terrible I would never return it after playing all the way through. Sorry, but that's just wrong. If I played for an hour or so and it was terrible, then yes, by all means I'd take it back. But finishing it and then returning it is just blatantly wrong in my opinion.

Fine, waste your money if that's how strongly you feel. The store has a clear policy of returning a game in a week if you're unhappy with it. I'm unhappy, i haven't (and won't) get my money's worth of the game. Also i read all the reviews before August 3rd, they all were good, 90 -96. But none of them mentioned anything about really repetitive, predictable and dull gameplay. They all said the game was awesome, scary and the best FPS experience since Half-Life. I'm not one to blatantly lie about how bad a game is just to be a fanboy, i don't give a shit about that crap, i just want to be entertained.

Same thing happened with Far Cry. Played through the game once, thought it was shit. Played through it again and i found it to be awesome.

I've tried doing that with Doom 3 but i just can't. I get to the Alpha Labs and then i get bored because i know everything thats going to happen. Its not fun or entertaining or challenging (It wasn't really challenging the first time either) and if you're gonna have a go at me "because its not moral" we have really varying opinions.

Is it moral for a company to get my money after i've been delivered a game thats not that enjoyable? Just for the sake of me being moral? And its not like a movie because there's a massive difference in price (10 times the price of a movie) and when i bought the game i expected to be able to play it again and again. Nobody buys a DVD of a bad movie after watching a bad movie, and thats exactly why i don't own Matrix Revolutions.

The bottom line is its completely within my rights as a consumer to return a product if i'm not happy with it, and i'm not happy with Doom 3
I got Need for speed Underground 3 days before I got Doom3.. played Doom3 for 2 days, now Im back to Need for speed.

and I HATE racing games.. especially on the PC... but NFS:U is awesome ;D
I'm sort of bored even though I JUST got to Alpha Labs. It's scary and fun...but I want Half-Life 2 now. :D I'll probably play this off and on...beating it a level at a time. :cheese:

I is teh lame.
Sparta said:
Fine, waste your money if that's how strongly you feel.

I didn't waste any money, since I like the game. Plus, I wouldn't waste money if I didn't like it. That's why we have ebay.
Neutrino said:
I didn't waste any money, since I like the game. Plus, I wouldn't waste money if I didn't like it. That's why we have ebay.
Sorry i didn't mean to imply the game was shit and everyone feels that way. Seriously, sorry if i offended you, i didn't mean it. I'm just tired from arguing about this, thats all. Anyway i'm returning it and getting Metroid Prime instead.
well, PCGamer did the great comparison after people were complaining about the same thing with splinter cell.

You pay ~$8 to see a movie in theaters. (maybe more, maybe less) You get, on average, 2 hours of entertainment.

You pay ~$50 for a game. A game that last 12 hours is worth about the same as 12 hours of movies. But you can play the game again. And play with mods. So you're getting more out of it.

If you play Doom 3 for 12 hours in anyway, you have gotten, based on movie cost, your $$'s worth. If you beat it in less than that, wait for mods.
I'd rather wait for the demo and get Unreal Tournament 2004 then buy Doom III.

From what I hear, it's not worth it.

id software can do better than this.
Sparta said:
Sorry i didn't mean to imply the game was shit and everyone feels that way. Seriously, sorry if i offended you, i didn't mean it. I'm just tired from arguing about this, thats all. Anyway i'm returning it and getting Metroid Prime instead.

No, no, you didn't offend me at all. I was just trying to make a point. It's not personal. I just think that it's wrong. You obviously disagree. Meh.
Man, I hate when they give good reviews and the game sucks, all this hype and it turn out to be a serious sam with cooler graphics. I think that Gamespot gave a really good review to it, 8.5 is more than enaugh.
I have a question, sort of.

Does anyone else like the parts where you're not fighting, just as much or more and the parts where you are?

Like at the beginning of the game where you're being introduced to everything, and you can just look around enjoy the graphics and have some fun screwing around for a while till all hell breaks lose. As well as the monorail, I loved going on the monorail...

Like in HL2, the beginning looks so fun to go through, like when you're just entering City 17 being pushed around by the guards and stuff..seems neat.

This post was inspired by whoever brought up the point that maybe younger players didn't enjoy the game because they have a low attention span...And just like to blow everything away real quick (rush through the game, rather than slowly taking in the full experience of the game), and just say "Well, that was fast, NEXT".
Baal said:
I have a question, sort of.

Does anyone else like the parts where you're not fighting, just as much or more and the parts where you are?

Like at the beginning of the game where you're being introduced to everything, and you can just look around enjoy the graphics and have some fun screwing around for a while till all hell breaks lose. As well as the monorail, I loved going on the monorail...

Like in HL2, the beginning looks so fun to go through, like when you're just entering City 17 being pushed around by the guards and stuff..seems neat.

This post was inspired by whoever brought up the point that maybe younger players didn't enjoy the game because they have a low attention span...And just like to blow everything away real quick (rush through the game, rather than slowly taking in the full experience of the game), and just say "Well, that was fast, NEXT".

Those are often my favorite parts. It's often the expectation that something is going to happen that is more fun than something actually happening I think. That's why I loved Thief 3.
Baal said:
I have a question, sort of.

Does anyone else like the parts where you're not fighting, just as much or more and the parts where you are?

Like at the beginning of the game where you're being introduced to everything, and you can just look around enjoy the graphics and have some fun screwing around for a while till all hell breaks lose. As well as the monorail, I loved going on the monorail...

Like in HL2, the beginning looks so fun to go through, like when you're just entering City 17 being pushed around by the guards and stuff..seems neat.

This post was inspired by whoever brought up the point that maybe younger players didn't enjoy the game because they have a low attention span...And just like to blow everything away real quick (rush through the game, rather than slowly taking in the full experience of the game), and just say "Well, that was fast, NEXT".

Those parts were my favourite. I wish the game had more of them, and maybe some more interaction with the few survivors you encounter
Yes I'm kind of disappointed with the lack of replayability here in doom 3.
Finished it in 3 days and am already looking for another game to play. Just didnt last very long :(
I really don't know what side I'm on here...I like the game, I'm done with it now...but I don't feel like I wasted my money, it was a really fun game to play, and there's still a few things I can have some fun with (mods for one, cheating for another).

Although, if HL2 wasn't being released...well, soon, hopefully, I would feel better about buying it because all of the good modders might be waiting for HL2!

Oh well...whatever, there's no way I'm going to return it, it just wouldn't feel right...but I don't really want to anyways.
I've been playing Doom 3 off and on this past week. I haven't been absolutely drawn into it since I started though. Right off the bat...I played it like 3 hours straight. After that, I started to get bored of it. Expecting to have things jump out at you isn't that great. There's a pretty easy way to kill each monster...the game in general is easy. I'm not even done with it yet...but I want to return it to get my $$ back. I'm just pretty sure that it won't be an option seeing as I got it from Gamestop.

If mods were to come out quicker...or I had a friend that could actually run the game that I could play Co-op with...then I'd keep it.
blahblahblah said:
I am wondering if Doom 3 is an age based game. It is appearing that younger gamers do not like Doom 3 while older gamers do. I may start a poll if I get bored.

I personally love Doom 3, one of my favorite games of all-time.

Doesn't apply to me, I guess.

I'm ancient compared to most on these boards ;)I was 25-26 when the original Doom was released and I immediately fell in love with it (same with the Doom's which followed)...but I dislike Doom3.

I think the problem a lot of people are having with Doom3 is expectations. Speaking for myself, just my opinion: We all KNEW the engine would be great...but I think a lot of people actually wanted more than a pretty version of Doom1, even though we knew it was to be a remake. I know I wanted something new ...something innovative...much like how innovative the original was 11 years ago (along with Wolfenstein).

But, really, the ONLY innovation is the graphics/lighting. The gameplay is standard/old, the AI is horrible, the scares are incredibly cliche and predictable, the constant: learn goal, kill monsters to obtain PDA file on counter or corpse, go back to start of goal (usually a door or elevator which is locked), kill more monsters, solve goal...etc... got very old and boring. I guess for me the graphics really can't make up for all of that.

Now it's not all bad for me with doom3 others have said: mods. The engine is great and I think buying the game will be worth it (eventually) for what mod makers will create. So I don't hate it...just dissappointed.

What's sad is I think this may happen to HL2 as well. Someone else wrote a thread on it and I don't remember the name, but I think they are right. The hype for both of these games was so great that neither may be able to live up to that level. Most of us have massive expectations.
best fps I have ever played! gonna play it again when I have the hardware so i can run it on maximum settings + 1600x1200. some cool (multiplayer)mods should pop up soon too.
I tried MP, got boring, Ill wait for a good mod to come along with some new skins. I would love to see a CS clone done with that engine, could be amazing.
well, i downloaded doom3 a week ago. now now, before you all start calling me a bad person, i plan on purchasing doom3 as soon as i get my new computer.

i was wary about doom3, hearing about repetivity too many identical scripted scenes, etc. so after praying to the gaming gods that my feeble geforce4 wouldn't melt, i booted up the game, (you'd be suprised but i was getting 20-30 fps :eek: ). and i was quite delighted to find what i was hoping doom3 to be, a sfi-fi shoot-em-up zombie decapitating demon disintegrating ride through an essentially infested martian installation. of course one of the more annoying things was how all the demons and zombies decided to hang out in closets for most of their lives waiting for me -_-.

but overall i loved the game, and i can't wait to play the thing with decent fps and some nicer effects. Yes, Doom3 could have been a fair bit better. but... it's not, and we have to be content with the great game that it is. stop trying to think of doom3 as anything 'new' or 'innovative'... its just another stone in the great pyramid of gaming.

<3 doom3